Roth IRA withdrawal rules (2024)

A Roth IRA — IRA is short for individual retirement account — is a popular retirement savings tool, especially among young workers. One thing that makes Roth IRAs so popular is their unique and flexible withdrawal rules. The money in your Roth IRA is more accessible than in other retirement accounts. However, it’s important to understand the withdrawal requirements and the repercussions of early withdrawals.

Roth IRA basics

A Roth IRA is a type of individual retirement account that allows you to save for retirement outside of an employer-sponsored plan.1 Roth IRA contributions are non-deductible, meaning there’s no tax advantage up front. However, your money will potentially grow tax-free in your account, and you’ll be eligible for tax-free withdrawals of earnings if certain requirements are met.

You can contribute up to $7,000 per year to a Roth IRA in 2023, up from $6,500 in 2023. If you’re 50 or older, you can contribute an additional $1,000 per year.2 Though Roth IRAs do have income limits in place so that high earners can’t contribute, most people can take advantage of this type of account.3

Read more: Roth IRA contribution limits 2023

Once you’ve contributed money to your Roth IRA, you can invest it in a variety of different securities, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and more. These investments will help your retirement contributions potentially grow exponentially through compounding by your retirement date.

Flexibility of Roth IRA withdrawals

One of the most attractive features of a Roth IRA is its flexible withdrawal rules. Unlike most tax-advantaged retirement accounts, the Roth IRA allows you to access certain money at any time, while other withdrawals must meet stricter requirements.

Withdrawing Roth IRA contributions

You can withdraw your Roth IRA contributions at any time, tax-free and penalty-free. You’ve already paid income taxes on the money you’ve contributed to your Roth IRA. As a result, any withdrawals that are a return of your contributions have no tax consequences.

For example, suppose you contribute the full $7,000 to your Roth IRA in 2024. However, in 2025, you run into financial hardship and need some extra cash. You decide to withdraw money from your Roth IRA. You can withdraw some or all of that same $7,000 without paying any taxes or penalties.

Withdrawing Roth IRA earnings

As we’ve mentioned, the rules for withdrawals of Roth IRA contributions are quite flexible and allow you to access that money at any time without penalties. However, the same can’t be said for any investment earnings.

To withdraw investment earnings, you must meet the following requirements:4

  1. It’s been at least five years since the start of the tax year of your first contribution.
  2. One of the following is true:
    1. You’re at least 59 ½
    2. You’re permanently disabled
    3. You’re the beneficiary of an account owner who has passed away
    4. You’re withdrawing up to $10,000 to buy your first home

If your withdrawal doesn’t meet the requirements listed above, it can’t be considered a qualified distribution. In that case, you’ll have to pay income taxes on the earnings you withdraw, as well as a 10% early withdrawal penalty.

Of course, the taxes and penalty only apply to the portion of your withdrawal that is earnings. Suppose you withdraw $12,000. Of that amount, $10,000 is your original contributions, while the other $2,000 is earnings. You will only pay income taxes and the 10% penalty on the $2,000 of earnings.

An important difference between Roth IRAs and other tax-advantaged retirement accounts is that you must meet both the five-year rule and one of the other requirements. Therefore, it’s possible to reach 59 ½ and still not be able to make qualified distributions from your Roth IRA if it hasn’t been at least five years since the start of the year of your first contribution.

Withdrawing Roth conversions

It’s possible to use a Roth IRA conversion to move money from a pre-tax account like a 401(k) plan or traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. It requires paying income taxes on the amount you contribute. Once you complete your Roth conversion, those dollars are treated differently than the other money in your Roth IRA.

Roth conversions are also subject to a five-year rule5, but it’s a bit different from the rule that applies to your Roth IRA earnings. Each Roth conversion has its own five-year clock that’s separate from your account’s five-year clock.

For example, suppose you convert $10,000 from your traditional IRA to your Roth IRA in 2024. You would be able to access that money penalty-free five years later in 2029. If you do another conversion in 2025, that one has its own five-year clock and won’t be accessible until 2030.

Ordering rules for distributions

In some cases, you may have a Roth IRA that includes your original contributions, your investment earnings, and some Roth IRA conversions. When you make a withdrawal, the IRS’s ordering rules6 will determine whether it’s taxable.

Here’s how your distributions will be ordered:

  1. Regular contributions
  2. Roth conversions and rollovers
  3. Earnings on contributions

It’s possible that you’ll have enough regular contributions in your account that, if you take a withdrawal, it won’t be subject to any taxes or penalties. However, if your withdrawal amount exceeds your total contributions, you may also end up withdrawing conversion, rollovers, or earnings. And depending on the circ*mstances, you may end up paying taxes.

Specified exceptions for earnings withdrawals

The IRS allows a handful of exceptions that allow you to access your Roth IRA earnings early without taxes and/or penalties. As mentioned above,you can access your Roth IRA earnings tax-and-penalty-free once five years have passed if one of the following has occurred:

  • You’ve turned 59 ½
  • You’re permanently disabled
  • You’re the beneficiary of an account owner who has passed away
  • You’re withdrawing up to $10,000 to buy your first home

Additionally, in the following situations, you can access your Roth IRA earnings without being subject to the 10% early withdrawal penalty if one of the following is true:7

  • You withdraw up to $5,000 to pay for qualified birth or adoption expenses
  • You withdraw up to $22,000 to cover losses as a result of a federally declared disaster
  • You’re the victim of domestic abuse and withdraw the lesser of $10,000 or 50% of your account
  • You withdraw money to pay for higher education expenses
  • You withdraw up to $1,000 to cover personal or family emergency expenses
  • You take a series of substantially equal payments
  • You’re subject to an IRS levy on your Roth IRA
  • You pay for unreimbursed medical expenses of more than 7.5% of your annual gross income (AGI)
  • You pay for health insurance premiums while you’re unemployed
  • You’re a qualified military reservist called to active duty

Planning for Roth IRA withdrawals

It’s critical that you have a well-thought-out withdrawal strategy for your retirement dollars. The first part of this equation will be setting a goal for when you want to retire.

You can start withdrawing money from your retirement accounts penalty-free at age 59 ½. Many people retire later than that, but you may also wish to retire earlier. In that case, there are strategies available to help you access your money early.

Another consideration when planning your Roth IRA withdrawals is how they’ll fit in with other retirement accounts. A Roth IRA is an after-tax account and your withdrawals are tax-free during retirement. Meanwhile, other accounts, such as traditional IRAs and 401(k)s, are pre-tax accounts that require income taxes during retirement.

You may decide to withdraw from one type of account or the other at various points during your retirement. Many people also choose to withdraw from their pre-tax accounts first since Roth IRAs aren’t subject to required minimum distributions.8 You can allow that money to remain invested as long as you want, and even pass it along to your beneficiaries tax-free.

Finally, a Roth IRA has some additional considerations because of its flexible withdrawals. Because you can access your Roth IRA contributions at any time, you could theoretically use that money for large expenses or even as an emergency fund. However, the more money you withdraw from the account early, the less money you’ll have invested for retirement.

No matter when you’re considering a Roth IRA withdrawal, it’s important to consider the tax consequences, as well as how the decision fits into your other financial goals.

The bottom line

A Roth IRA is one of the most flexible types of retirement accounts because it allows you to access certain money early without paying taxes or penalties. Additionally, the tax benefit of this account makes it so that you can withdraw money during retirement without paying any taxes on it.

Whether you’re weighing the pros and cons of different retirement accounts or considering a withdrawal from an existing Roth IRA, consider consulting a financial professional who can help determine the best course of action for your money.

Roth IRA withdrawal rules (2024)


Roth IRA withdrawal rules? ›

Withdrawals must be taken after age 59½. Withdrawals must be taken after a five-year holding period. If you transfer your Traditional or Roth IRA at any age and request that the check be made payable to you, you have up to 60 days to deposit that check into another IRA without taxes or penalties.

Can I withdraw money from my Roth IRA without penalty? ›

Since you are able to withdraw amounts equal to the amount of Roth IRA contributions you have made, you can withdraw cash from the Roth IRA if needed prior to age 59½ without tax or penalty as long as they don't exceed the amount of your contributions to the account.

What are the 5 year rules for Roth IRA withdrawal? ›

The Roth IRA five-year rule says you cannot withdraw earnings tax-free until it's been at least five years since you first contributed to a Roth IRA account. This five-year rule applies to everyone who contributes to a Roth IRA, whether they're 59 ½ or 105 years old.

What is the limit to withdraw from Roth IRA? ›

You can withdraw up to $20,000 at any time because you have already paid taxes on it. However, if your withdrawal exceeds that amount and dips into the $5,000 of earnings, you may be subject to taxes and penalties if you do not meet the requirements for a qualified distribution.

Do Roth IRA withdrawals count as income? ›

Key Takeaways

Earnings that you withdraw from a Roth IRA don't count as income as long as you meet the rules for qualified distributions. Typically, you will need to have had a Roth IRA for at least five years and be at least 59½ years old for a distribution to count as qualified, but there are some exceptions.

Do I have to report my Roth IRA distributions on my tax return? ›

Contributions to a Roth IRA aren't deductible (and you don't report the contributions on your tax return), but qualified distributions or distributions that are a return of contributions aren't subject to tax. To be a Roth IRA, the account or annuity must be designated as a Roth IRA when it's set up.

Do I have to pay taxes on early Roth IRA withdrawal? ›

Regardless of your age, you will need to file a Form 1040 and show the amount of the IRA withdrawal. Since you took the withdrawal before you reached age 59 1/2, unless you met one of the exceptions, you will need to pay an additional 10% tax on early distributions on your Form 1040.

What is the backdoor Roth 5 year rule? ›

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires a waiting period of 5 years before withdrawing balances converted from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, or you may pay a 10% early withdrawal penalty on the conversion amount in addition to the income taxes you pay in the tax year of your conversion.

How to withdraw money from IRA without paying taxes? ›

You may be able to avoid a penalty if your withdrawal is for:
  1. First-time home purchase. Some types of home purchases are eligible. ...
  2. Educational expenses. ...
  3. Disability or death. ...
  4. Medical expenses. ...
  5. Birth or adoption expenses. ...
  6. Health insurance. ...
  7. Periodic payments. ...
  8. Involuntary IRA distribution.

Do inherited Roth IRAs have to be distributed within 10 years? ›

Generally, a designated beneficiary is required to liquidate the account by the end of the 10th year following the year of death of the IRA owner (this is known as the 10-year rule).

Can I withdraw my entire Roth IRA at once? ›

If you've had a Roth IRA for more than five years and are over the age of 59 1/2, you can withdraw as much or as little money from the account as you wish, whenever you wish.

Why is there a $6,000 limit on Roth IRA? ›

The IRS limits contributions to a Roth IRA to prevent highly compensated workers from benefiting more from the tax-advantaged Roth IRA than the average worker. You may be eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA if you meet the IRS income limit requirements.

What is a qualified distribution from a Roth IRA? ›

Any earnings you withdraw are considered qualified distributions if you're 59½ or older, and the account is at least five years old, making them tax- and penalty-free. Other kinds of withdrawals are considered non-qualified and can result in both taxes and penalties.

How can I withdraw money from my Roth IRA without penalty? ›

Withdrawals from a Roth IRA you've had more than five years.

If you've met the five-year holding requirement, you can withdraw money from a Roth IRA with no taxes or penalties. Remember that unlike a Traditional IRA, with a Roth IRA there are no required minimum distributions.

Do Roth IRA withdrawals need to be reported? ›

When you withdraw income from your Roth IRA, you must report it on Form 8606. This form helps you track your basis in regular Roth contributions and conversions.

At what age is IRA withdrawal tax-free? ›

If you're at least age 59½ and your Roth IRA has been open for at least five years, you can withdraw money tax- and penalty-free. See Roth IRA withdrawal rules.

Can I withdraw excess Roth IRA contributions without penalty? ›

You won't face any penalties if you simply withdraw your excess contribution plus any income it has earned by the due date for your tax return, including extensions. But you'll have to include the earnings portion in your taxable income for the year.

What are the exceptions to the 10% early withdrawal penalty? ›

Exceptions to the 10% additional tax
ExceptionThe distribution will NOT be subject to the 10% additional early distribution tax in the following circ*mstances:Qualified plans (401(k), etc.)
Deathafter death of the participant/IRA owneryes
Disabilitytotal and permanent disability of the participant/IRA owneryes
22 more rows
Dec 8, 2023

How to avoid 10 penalties on IRA withdrawal? ›

Delay IRA Withdrawals Until Age 59 1/2

Once you turn age 59 1/2, you can withdraw any amount from your IRA without having to pay the 10% penalty.

Is it better to withdraw from 401k or Roth IRA? ›

The money in both accounts grows without being diminished by taxes. You will pay taxes on amounts withdrawn from a 401(k) once you're retired. You pay no taxes on withdrawals from a Roth IRA.

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