The Truth About Dave Ramsey's Stock Portfolio: An In-Depth Analysis (2024)

Dave Ramsey, the renowned personal finance guru, has been a household name for decades, renowned for his no-nonsense approach to money management. One of the most hotly debated aspects of his philosophy is his investment strategy, particularly his recommendations for stock portfolios. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll dive deep into Ramsey's stock portfolio recommendations, examine the criticisms, and explore the historical data that supports or refutes his claims.

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Ramsey's investing philosophy is built on a few core principles:

1. Get out of debt and save up a fully-funded emergency fund before investing.

2. Invest 15% of your income in retirement accounts.

3. Invest in good growth stock mutual funds with a solid track record.

The Truth About Dave Ramsey's Stock Portfolio: An In-Depth Analysis (1)

Ramsey recommends dividing your investment portfolio into four categories:

1. Growth and Income Funds (25%): Large-cap funds that invest in well-established companies with a history of paying dividends.

2. Growth Funds (25%): Mid-cap and large-cap funds focused on companies with strong growth potential.

3. Aggressive Growth Funds (25%): Small-cap and mid-cap funds invested in rapidly growing companies.

4. International Funds (25%): Funds that invest in companies outside the United States.

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Ramsey's recommendation is to invest 100% of your portfolio in stocks, with no allocation to bonds or other fixed-income investments. He believes that over the long term, stocks will outperform other asset classes, and that a well-diversified stock portfolio is the best way to build wealth.

The 12% Return Claim

One of Ramsey's most controversial claims is that investors can expect to earn an average annual return of 12% on their stock investments. He bases this claim on the historical performance of the S&P 500 index, which has averaged around 12% annually since its inception in 1926.

The Truth About Dave Ramsey's Stock Portfolio: An In-Depth Analysis (2)

Critics, however, argue that Ramsey's 12% claim is unrealistic and potentially misleading. Many experts suggest that a more reasonable expectation for long-term stock market returns is in the range of 7-9%, after adjusting for inflation and accounting for factors such as survivorship bias and changing market conditions.

The 8% Withdrawal Rate Controversy

In recent years, Ramsey has faced significant backlash for suggesting that retirees can safely withdraw 8% of their portfolio each year without running out of money. This recommendation goes against the widely accepted 4% rule proposed by financial planner William Bengen, which suggests that a 4% withdrawal rate is more sustainable for a 30-year retirement.

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Many financial experts have criticized Ramsey's 8% withdrawal rate as reckless and potentially disastrous for retirees, especially those with a 100% stock portfolio. Historical data shows that a portfolio with a 100% stock allocation would have a high likelihood of running out of money within 30 years if withdrawing at an 8% rate.

The Debate: Active vs. Passive Investing

Another point of contention in Ramsey's investment philosophy is his preference for actively managed mutual funds over passive index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Ramsey believes that skilled fund managers can consistently outperform the market, justifying the higher fees associated with actively managed funds.

The Truth About Dave Ramsey's Stock Portfolio: An In-Depth Analysis (3)

However, numerous studies have shown that over the long term, low-cost index funds tend to outperform the majority of actively managed funds, primarily due to their lower fees. Many financial experts recommend investing in a diversified portfolio of low-cost index funds as a more cost-effective and historically proven approach.

The Criticism: Lack of Personalization and Risk Management

One of the main criticisms of Ramsey's investment strategy is its one-size-fits-all approach. Critics argue that a 100% stock portfolio may be appropriate for younger investors with a long time horizon, but it may be too risky for older investors nearing retirement or those with a lower risk tolerance.

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Additionally, some experts argue that Ramsey's strategy fails to account for proper risk management and asset allocation based on individual circ*mstances and goals. A well-diversified portfolio that includes a mix of stocks, bonds, and other asset classes can help mitigate risk and provide a smoother investment journey, especially during periods of market volatility.

Historical Performance of Ramsey's Portfolio

While the debate around Ramsey's investment philosophy rages on, it's important to examine the historical performance of his recommended portfolio. Several studies have attempted to backtest the performance of a portfolio following Ramsey's guidelines, with mixed results.

The Truth About Dave Ramsey's Stock Portfolio: An In-Depth Analysis (4)

Some analyses have shown that Ramsey's portfolio has indeed outperformed the S&P 500 over certain time periods, lending credence to his claims. However, other studies have found that the outperformance is marginal or non-existent when accounting for factors such as risk, volatility, and tax implications.

It's worth noting that past performance is not a guarantee of future results, and investors should exercise caution when relying solely on historical data to make investment decisions.

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Evaluating Ramsey's Investment Philosophy in Today's Market

While Ramsey's investment philosophy was formulated decades ago, it's important to evaluate its relevance and applicability in today's market conditions. The investment landscape has undergone significant changes, with the rise of new asset classes, investment vehicles, and technological advancements.

One aspect worth considering is the increasing popularity of low-cost index funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). These investment vehicles have gained traction due to their simplicity, diversification, and cost-effectiveness. Many financial experts advocate for a passive investment approach using index funds, which aims to match the performance of a specific market index rather than attempting to outperform it.

The Truth About Dave Ramsey's Stock Portfolio: An In-Depth Analysis (5)

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Another factor to consider is the evolving nature of risk and market volatility. Modern portfolio theory emphasizes the importance of diversification across different asset classes to mitigate risk and smooth out returns over time. Ramsey's recommendation of a 100% stock portfolio may be deemed excessively risky by some investors, especially those nearing retirement or with a lower risk tolerance.

Additionally, the rise of alternative investments, such as real estate, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, has introduced new opportunities for portfolio diversification and potential risk-adjusted returns. While Ramsey's philosophy focuses primarily on stocks and mutual funds, some investors may explore incorporating these alternative assets into their portfolios to achieve a more balanced and diversified approach.

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It's worth noting that Ramsey's investment philosophy is primarily geared towards individual investors, rather than institutional or professional investors. As such, his recommendations may be more suitable for those seeking a straightforward and accessible approach to investing, without delving into complex strategies or esoteric investment vehicles.

Striking a Balance: Adapting Ramsey's Principles to Individual Needs

While Ramsey's investment philosophy has its merits and has helped countless individuals achieve financial freedom, it may not be a one-size-fits-all solution. Investors should consider adapting his principles to their individual needs, goals, and risk tolerance.

The Truth About Dave Ramsey's Stock Portfolio: An In-Depth Analysis (9)

One approach could be to adopt a more balanced asset allocation strategy, incorporating a mix of stocks, bonds, and potentially alternative investments. This approach aligns with modern portfolio theory and can help mitigate risk while still providing exposure to growth opportunities.

Another consideration is adjusting the portfolio's risk profile based on an investor's age and investment horizon. Younger investors with a longer time horizon may be able to take on more risk and tilt their portfolios towards a higher allocation of stocks, while older investors nearing retirement may benefit from a more conservative approach with a greater emphasis on fixed-income and capital preservation.

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Additionally, investors may consider incorporating low-cost index funds or ETFs into their portfolios, either as a core holding or as a complement to actively managed funds. This approach can provide broad diversification and potentially lower overall portfolio costs, while still maintaining exposure to Ramsey's recommended asset classes.

Ultimately, the key is to strike a balance between Ramsey's principles and an investor's unique circ*mstances. By adapting his philosophy to individual needs and incorporating elements of modern portfolio theory, investors can create a personalized investment strategy that aligns with their financial goals and risk tolerance.

The Truth About Dave Ramsey's Stock Portfolio: An In-Depth Analysis (10)


What are the four types of mutual funds Dave Ramsey recommends?

Ramsey recommends investing in four types of mutual funds: growth and income funds, growth funds, aggressive growth funds, and international funds.

What is Dave Ramsey's recommended asset allocation?

Ramsey recommends a 100% stock portfolio, with no allocation to bonds or other fixed-income investments.

Does Ramsey recommend investing in individual stocks?

No, Ramsey strongly advises against investing in individual stocks and recommends sticking to mutual funds for diversification.

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What is the 12% return claim made by Dave Ramsey?

Ramsey claims that investors can expect to earn an average annual return of 12% on their stock investments, based on the historical performance of the S&P 500 index.

What is the 4% rule, and why is it relevant to Ramsey's 8% withdrawal rate recommendation?

The 4% rule suggests that retirees can safely withdraw 4% of their portfolio each year without running out of money in a 30-year retirement. Ramsey's recommendation of an 8% withdrawal rate goes against this widely accepted rule.

Why do some experts criticize Ramsey's preference for actively managed mutual funds?

Critics argue that low-cost index funds tend to outperform actively managed funds over the long term due to their lower fees and passive investment approach.

The Truth About Dave Ramsey's Stock Portfolio: An In-Depth Analysis (11)

What is the main criticism of Ramsey's investment strategy regarding risk management?

Some experts argue that Ramsey's one-size-fits-all approach fails to account for proper risk management and asset allocation based on individual circ*mstances and goals.

Has Ramsey's portfolio outperformed the S&P 500 historically?

Some studies have shown that Ramsey's portfolio has outperformed the S&P 500 over certain time periods, while others have found little or no outperformance when accounting for risk and other factors.

What is the debate around Dave Ramsey's investment philosophy?

The main debate centers around the viability and sustainability of Ramsey's recommendations, such as the 12% return claim, the 8% withdrawal rate, and the preference for actively managed funds over index funds.

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Should investors follow Dave Ramsey's investment strategy?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer; investors should carefully evaluate Ramsey's recommendations in the context of their individual goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon, and consult with a qualified financial advisor if necessary.


Dave Ramsey's investment philosophy has been a subject of intense debate among financial experts and investors alike. While his approach has helped countless individuals get out of debt and establish a solid financial foundation, his stock portfolio recommendations have faced criticism from various quarters.

Ultimately, the decision to follow Ramsey's investment strategy or adopt alternative approaches lies with each individual investor. It's crucial to conduct thorough research, understand the potential risks and rewards, and seek professional guidance if necessary.

The Truth About Dave Ramsey's Stock Portfolio: An In-Depth Analysis (12)

As with any investment strategy, it's essential to approach Ramsey's recommendations with a critical eye, weighing the historical data against your personal circ*mstances and long-term financial goals. By doing so, you can make informed decisions that align with your risk tolerance and put you on the path to financial success.

The Truth About Dave Ramsey's Stock Portfolio: An In-Depth Analysis (2024)


The Truth About Dave Ramsey's Stock Portfolio: An In-Depth Analysis? ›

Some analyses have shown that Ramsey's portfolio has indeed outperformed the S&P 500 over certain time periods, lending credence to his claims. However, other studies have found that the outperformance is marginal or non-existent when accounting for factors such as risk, volatility, and tax implications.

What does Dave Ramsey say about the stock market? ›

Beating the Market With Mutual Funds

One of the cornerstones of Ramsey's investing philosophy is to buy and hold a mix of equity mutual funds, including growth and income funds, growth funds, aggressive growth funds and international funds.

What are the 4 funds Dave Ramsey recommends? ›

Pick the right mix of mutual funds.

That's why you should spread your investments equally across four types of mutual funds: growth and income, growth, aggressive growth, and international.

What does Dave Ramsey recommend investing in? ›

Plain and simple, here's the Ramsey Solutions investing philosophy: Get out of debt and save up a fully funded emergency fund first. Invest 15% of your income in tax-advantaged retirement accounts. Invest in good growth stock mutual funds.

What is the 1 rule in stock market? ›

Applying the 1% Rule in a Single Trade

Determine your risk capital, i.e., the total amount of money you're willing to risk in your trading. This should be money that you can afford to lose without it affecting your lifestyle. Calculate 1% of your risk capital.

What does Warren Buffett say about investing in the stock market? ›

Buffett has long advised most investors to use index funds to invest in the market, rather than trying to pick individual stocks. By picking individual stocks you're working against the pros who have extensive intelligence on companies.

What is the most aggressive mutual fund? ›

Here are the best Aggressive Allocation funds
  • Meeder Dynamic Allocation Fund.
  • JPMorgan Investor Growth Fund.
  • TIAA-CREF Lifestyle Aggressive Gr Fund.
  • Franklin Mutual Shares Fund.
  • North Square Multi Strategy Fd.
  • Gabelli Focused Growth and Inc Fd.
  • E-Valuator Agrsv Growth(85%-99%)RMS Fund.

What does Dave Ramsey say about silver? ›

Dave Ramsey has made it clear on his show that he doesn't see gold and silver as wise investments. He doesn't own any gold or silver (outside personal items like jewelry) and believes there are better, more stable ways to invest one's money.

What is the 1234 financial rule? ›

One simple rule of thumb I tend to adopt is going by the 4-3-2-1 ratios to budgeting. This ratio allocates 40% of your income towards expenses, 30% towards housing, 20% towards savings and investments and 10% towards insurance.

What does Warren Buffett recommend for the average investor? ›

Key Points. Warren Buffett made his fortune by investing in individual companies with great long-term advantages. But his top recommendation for anyone is to buy a simple index fund. Buffett's recommendation underscores the importance of diversification.

How much does Dave Ramsey say to put in savings? ›

According to the Ramsey Solutions post, the recommendation is to invest 15% of your household income for retirement. The article uses the example of a household income which is $80,000 annually. Based on these earnings, each year you need to invest $12,000 towards your retirement savings.

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According to Standard and Poor's, the average annualized return of the S&P index, which later became the S&P 500, from 1926 to 2020 was 10%. 1 At 10%, you could double your initial investment every seven years (72 divided by 10).

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Investing in the stock market is one of the most effective ways to generate long-term wealth, and you don't need to be an experienced investor to make a lot of money. In fact, it's possible to retire a millionaire with next to no effort through exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

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The greatest risk for investors is market risk. If the underlying index that an ETF tracks drops in value by 30% due to unfavorable market price movements, the value of the ETF will drop as well.

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Best-performing U.S. equity mutual funds
TickerName5-year return (%)
GQEPXGQG Partners US Select Quality Eq Inv19.33
FGRTXFidelity Mega Cap Stock17.23
SSAQXState Street US Core Equity Fund16.89
FGLGXFidelity Series Large Cap Stock16.88
3 more rows
May 31, 2024

What did Jim Cramer say about the stock market? ›

Jim Cramer said that many strategists demand several rate cuts because “they want stocks higher.” “I want higher stock prices too but if we get multiple rate cuts and inflation comes roaring back, it's the Have Nots that will get hurt.”

What is the stock market prediction for 2024? ›

The Big Money bulls forecast that the Dow Jones Industrial Average will end 2024 at about 41,231, 9% higher than current levels. Market optimists had a mean forecast of 5461 for the S&P 500 and 17,143 for the Nasdaq Composite —up 9% and 10%, respectively, from where the indexes were trading on May 1.

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“In other words, the money did not exist or disappear for long-term investors if you did not make any transactions. However, for short-term investors, when stock prices go up or down, the money would be transferred among them as a zero-sum game, i.e. your losses would be others' gains, and vice versa.”

What does Dave Ramsey recommend for TSP? ›

Dave Ramsey's advice is to save 5% into the TSP to get the full match, then max out a Roth IRA, and then put more into the TSP if you are able to save more after that.

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Name: Stevie Stamm

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