The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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rx CimiAHD PLAIN OEALTR LUU SUNDAY JAN 31 U60 15 Personals Business Notices SOL BERGMAN CO 40 1 Prospect MA 1 4350 Estnblishrd 1893 Oldest and Largest Brokers BARGAINS UNREDEEMED LOANS Diamonds CLEVELAND BEST BUYS UNREDEEMED DIAMONDS WHICH WK OER OR SALE ARE THOSE WHICH PEOPLE LET AS COLLAT ERAL ON A LOAN AND OR SOME REASON AILED TO REDEEM AS WE LOAN ONLY A RACTION THE MARKET VALUE WE ARE THEREORE ABLE TO SELL THESE UNREDEEMED DIAMONDS AT A VERY LOW PRICE I Carat Diamond Pung American Cut Good Brilliancy Modern Tiffany Setting Out of pawn at I49K Lady's Diamond Wedding Rng i 3 Row Design 6 Baguette Diamonds 16 Round Diamonds i ine Make Unredeemed at $214 lady's Diamond Earrings Solid Platinum Large Center Diamond Large Baguette Diamond 30 Round Dlamcods Each Earrnz Unusual Design Very Out of pawn at $465 Lady's ine Peart NOcklare Large 9 Size All Uniform ine Color and Lustre All Diamond Cla One of a Kind Unredeemed at $461 1 DR dO I A 0 DS TO CHOOSE ROM TAKEN OUT OLD OBSOLETE MOUNTINGS ALL SIZES AND SHAPES ROM 02 CARAT TO JO CARATS PRICED AT OUT PAWN VALUATIONS SEE OUR SELECTION Lady's 4 C8at Diamond Ring American Cut Exceptional Brilliancy Solid Platinum Ring Two Large Baguette D'amnnds Out of pawn at I 283 I Diamond tontines Watch Newest Model 17 Exira Large Diamonds Hand Mop'd Case 14 kt Whit? Goto Sime As New Unredeemed at $163 Lady a Marquise Diamond Ring Carats ine Cut and Brilliancy Solid Platinum Ring 2 Baguette Diamonds Out of pawn at $441 Man 5 3 Carat Diamond Ring American Cut Amazing Brilliancy ine Mounting Hand MadeA Real Value Unredeemed at $1105 Diamond Hr ert Necklace Newest Styles 21 Large Diamonds Extra Brilliant ine Matching Chain Out of pawn at $20? ONLY A HUR UNREDEEMED ARE 1 ISTED HUNDREDS OTHER ITEMS ARE LN STOCK OR YOUR INSPECTION ALSO HAVE HUNDREDS GOOD RUYS OBTAINED ROM ESTATES AND OTHER SOURCES Indy's Diamond and Ruby Watch $2450 Omega Calendar Wvtrh 4 800 $175 Gold Le Coutre WM $4 500 jf MM Gold Charm Bracelet on ine Cameo Brooch $1200 ine Cultured Pearl Solid Gold Cuff Links 00 Solid Gold Hamilton $2700 lurounlse Pearl Gold Tie ClAftp 00 Cultured Parl Earrltus $1200 300 Day Clock i Imported) $1 4 00 ine Silver Tea Set 65 00 Electric Adding Machine $500 Camen Earring $850 Diamond and Peart Gold Garnet Earrings $14 00 OUT PAWN watches Butova Elgin Gruen Hemtllon Guaranteed 1 Year Service $1000 WE CARRY A COMPLETE NEW JEWELRY AT BARGAIN PRICES Jewelry Subject tn ederal Excise Tax All WeightsAe Approximate EASY TERMS AVAILABLE No Carrying Charge Sol Bergman Co 401 Prospect MA 1 4350 $10 CASH PAID AJ1 Rh negative lyre b'ood donors CLEVELAND EIOLOGICALS 7OL West St Clair ANYONE witnessing an automobile ac cident happening on June 4 1959 at about 9:30 on Shaker Blvd at Shaker Squaie in Cleveland pleas contact Mr Lindsey CH 1 3655 Van Loading lor LA TAKE PART LOAD LOWEST RATES BR 1 1414 Van Loading for la TAKE PART LOAD YE 2 3333 SPARKS movingastorage MAKE our new car lit your old garare: fourth sen ration carpenter lenthenlne my specialty: prumpt CA 1 3725 evenings CHRISTMAS tree reedllncs 'price 1300 Smith orest Tree Nursery Box 215 Phone LN 6 2950 Mscn'Ils MACK'S ANTI NOISE EARPLUGS Give you quiet tor sleep or study or swimmers too $1 tor 3 pr at Mat thau Dmr sn res MONEY: Delinquent' accounts ba3 collected OH to COLLECTION SERVICE 75 Public Square Suite 1316 TO 1 6820 WOMAN Mill jive good care and com panionship to elderly or wml inralld lady in my mre home lorida Pleas rail CL 2 7131 or ME 1 6276 WILL drive your Car to I ns Anscle or ar Southwest on eb 10 No sal srv Good retcrerces Call Len MA 1 2135 HAVEEnYllsh Springer 'spaniel for stud Service championship bloodline Will take fee or puppy Can board file JA 6 7242 YOUNGvetiran 'will pick up til kinds ct rubbish Reasonable rates Prompt service AT 1 9876 MEN'S DOUBLE BREASTED COATS MADE INTO SINGLE SR BEN CLEANERS 5817 QUINCY ORCED to vacate stere by Eeb 13 new ladies' apparel at wholesale prices 2198 Noble Rd MU 1 2518 HIGHEST' PRICES PAID We Will Buy Your Phuto Equipment BRYAR PHOTO SUPPLY PR 1 4605 INVESTIGATIONS Shadowlnx MiMint Persons Located CONIDENTIAL TU 6 4222 ATTTjmdNrwu7 Here's a chance for you to let to work on time or information call Hl 2 2374 DRIVING 1958 Cadillac to Los An peea eb 2 vr 3 'ate 2 drlve expenses ER 1 3873 approved DRIVING SAE WAY SU 1 4444 MORNING WAKE UP SERVICE We rtng till ycu HE 2 3115 VISIT THOMPSON PROD AUTOMO BILE MUSEUM Chester at 30 MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE HEART UND DRIVING ort Lauderdaie? eb7'l Take 2 or 3 SK 2 4767 alter 6 MAE: PLEASE GET IN TOUCH JATTHME BEE hind quarters 49c 'b porter Jou 69c rib steak 49c LO 1 600 if'you like barbecue comz to HERRINGS 989 105 ST UNDERCOAT ALL CARS 81893 SW 1 5290 "IKCONLE TAX SERVICE Ir dlvldual OR 1 8703 WILL drive your car to Chlcajo or New Yora: 8850 EX 1 848 INCOME TAX Personal Business At Yovr Home er Ottire IV 1 7471 LEAVING OR TUCSON Aris I bi 151: altare exreisea DI 1 8007 WILL collect delinquent accounts oeou experiemed ED 1 U666 ACropDIONIST: Music for all octa Sloru available ME 1 234 2 LEAVING for California eb 4 pas centers share expenses LA 1 3707 WAKE UP SERVICE 35 MO VI 2 3917 MORNING WAKE UP Service We ring till rou ansrw AT 1 3806 HAKE UP RELAXED CALL ME' TO ALL YOU TR 1 3765 THOMAS hss chanted mind about Inert IV 1 2398 MAW'S WAKEUP SERVICE ANY HOUR DI 1 0365 PRINTING THE SMALL BUSI NESSMAN MT 1 9251 15 Personals Business Koikes Do You Need Help? (1) To build your new home a dream come true (2) To modernise your pres ent home it pays to maintain and beautify (3) To save your home from the danger of ac cumulated bills OR REE CONSULTATION CALL RA 1 5834 inancing Planning Supervision Labor Material Subcon Ira cis Permits or any other problem call: HOME AID NEED MONEY? Turn Your Accounts Receivable Notos and Judgments to ACCOUNTS CnttCTED OR PVCHAED HEAD MERCANTILE COLLECTION SERVICE 131) Schofield Bldg MA 1 7562 CHRISTMAS TREES OHIO GROWN SEEDLINGS DISCOUNTS TO QUANTITY BUYERS GUARANTEED PLANTING SERVICE write for free frut list AND PLANTING GUIDE SMI IPS OREST TREE NURSERY Box 215 UN 6 2950 Masimlia Ohb PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS VOCATIOJML COUNSELING renori Low fee Terms 11620 Madison LA 1 8436 MAIL ORDER" ILM DEVELOPING QUALITY WORK AT LOWER PRICES Roll develops 8 Jumto prints 39c 12 59c reprints 5c Trial ctfcr Mail rolls nr nt jaUus today In WIL LARD GAS URNACES New 1960 Mmi rlrf model: Installed complete S8000 new irn's: culd air drops $245 Take 38 months io pay GILL HEATING SW Hl MANHATTAN TALENT and RECORDING CO S'ill needs jinsers songwriters lyrics groups GL 1 9122 GI 1 9123 15113 St Clair 10 to 9 ra CARS DELIVERED Anvwhere in A drivers AA Delivery PR 1 5J2I WANTED: WAR SOUVE NIRS AND ANTIQUE GUNS SH 1 0202 CASH or services of blood donors pos ithe donors urjontly needed Ceveland Blokuicals 701 St Clair MAl 5477 PRACTICE PIANO Good upright overhauled guaran teed hrrh delivery tuning begin sheet music 4 lessons ALL JOR $145 Terms ME 1 5S67 ACT! VE PIANO CO 3199 W65 GITS to the Heart und in memory nf your friends relative or associates will be rrateful the CLEVELAND AREA HEART SOCIETY 16 8 9 1 15U SW 1 7500 1 1 Barter and Swap TV seis 15 in various conditions: complete with all parts and cabmeis for what have yu SP 7 0242 AOUARIUM with angel fish 30 and 20 M1 tank complete unit for what harp you EV 1 3688 20 Help Mah ACCOUNTANT Audltor Opportunity for a conscientious hardworking Intelligent voting man who likes accounting and has resolved to become a CPA Appli cant most be mentally alert and able to progress in handling work toads Paid overtime vacations cte Apply by letter in vour own handwriting stating lull particulars as to salary required education and accounting background to Box 521Edgewater Branch Cleveland 7 Asst treasurer fnr NE Ohio Corp doing $2000000 business Reply riving education evp family status and annual salary requirements Box 2463 Plain Dea lei Accountant CoM Portion irquirea BBA ac counting major plus a mini mum of 3 eats experience in computing material cost labor variances and establish ment of standard costs The Cleveland Pneumatic Tool Co 3781 77 St DI 1 1700 ACCOUNTING TRAINEE Recent hich school rraduaie anxious Io make public accountin a carter To stan at bottom must continue educa tion in evening school Box 19767 Plain Dealer "accounting Man to assist chief accountant work on payrolls Office and payrll experience necessary Give full par ticular! jncludm? salary required Box 2255i DeLer ACME GRIDLEY Must experienced operator and setup man High hourly rale I fl hour day ine opportu nity in rapidly expanding multiplant operation Call VU 3 9001 for in terview 9 to 5 ADJUSTER A Career in Management One of Aineiicii's largest and fastest growing consumer finance companies will take 2 men 21 35 into a carefully planned management training program Must be able to ac cept intense training and master all phases of opera tion in 2 years after which lime will be eligible for ap pointment as branch manag er Prefer some college Sal ary commensurate with ex perience outstanding em ployee benefits Must have car Interview i 9 a to 12 noon Monday ugh Thursday or by appointment Public inance Corp 3328 Biosdview Rd Sec Mr Sullivan 1127 Hayden Ave See Mr Zedella 41 in Lee Rd See Mr Roujiuex ADVISORY COUNSELOR Will trin: eommPrion potential700 ilia Hyun SU 1 9300 Appliance Distributor aNeeds younr man fir general office wiMk lachwru nrotr Mnicr euUomer relations etaiistical reports and waf hnus 4cfhcy Write Bex 18366 Plain Dealer BANK CHEMICAL ENGINEER Opportunity 31C 33r CHEMIST Auto Salesman National Bank Work Where riendly Personnel Manager 53c 54C to learn Must be bondable 6 To Sale Automotive Equipment OVERTIME Reliable Olds Product Design Clean Modern Plant 311) Machine Design TODIAN CUSTOMER Cleveland 0 BORING MILL OPERATORS Recoils Colton Chemical Co I'D or CHEMICAL tola ENGINEERS DESIGNERS EPOXY RESINS 4 sr9 Apply 1311 Chardon Rd a DESIGNERS RA 161 East 42nd Street Route 82 New York 1 7 New ork Twinsburg Ohio CHEMIST Advertisers Paint Accurate Design 3130 93 St $125 A WEEK start: as you learn cur work your and SH 9 2313 Die Co AGENT SALES Dealer Bink Aluminum Siding Allstate Insurance Co Box 25663 Plain Dealer collection employed at at and 2nd shift MA 1 0150 4257 35 th 34c 49c Automatic Screw Machine Operators STEEL CORP 3311 Jennings Rd Promotion Also a few opportunities for office minded younger men Long range ro gr a High hourly rates Over time Company benefits PX in with back iVsnt iVant IV? nt nanl IVanl iVant tie 191) 2OI) IM) 181)ZOi)17Din 2il)201) 201) Youne stmne ground Northwestern resume and I chil spt aie Box Must be Able tn Bitmh and Sharpe ondary operations milling machines with air feeds and ye nal UNITS BUS OOD MACHINERY CHEMICAL CORP 27 1)1903'0) have work Experienced on sheet metal stampings required Automotive stamping ex perience preferred WE ASK OR QUALI1CA 29!) 1 91) 2 on 20D 201) Courtaulds (Alabama) 'Inc PO Box 1076 Mobile la export Boauiy 3HP 361) 291) 3HD 271) $75 salary and commission After I year with company 2 weeks vacation with pay Ton ivill work with top notch closers Cleveland Bobbing Machine Co Mu jicrrw ance Bunell Machine Tool Co 1601 23 St DESIGNERS DETAILERS 211 2H 2H 2B 2B2B nf has dc do National Acme Co I70E HOST ATCOIT AUTOMOTIVE PURCHASING POSITION Replies detailed garding nerience quircments All will be treated dentiallj' Box 7466 Plain or Siding and Roofing Experienced Only APPRENTICE SERVICEMAN and Display Trainees 2'iD2'10 29f)270290361) 361) 361) 9110 GEORGE AVE Near 93 and Union Set up nnd operate Gridley Automatic Bar Machines Good hourlv rate incentive raised Union work Men with uew or used ear exporcnce required We are hxiklnc for self start who want an excellent future with a factory wlyrtesato sale? nfftoe Salary new ear travel and other liberal benefits 4 5 single spindle automatic Supply Co 5507 Euclid Ave have cur Work with owner tn Seb all home araimt Commission ator modern 4 evfni ija cd nd ca salaiy no limit if ycj duct Dr 8 Sterr st Mansfield Ohio DESIGN ENGINEERS Armature Winders Maintenance Itouscs WMIf) TO RhM tidory WireluHxe I irnih(J I urnhhed Houses to Kent Apartments Rent Business Ptarrs to Rrnt llou Experienced paid holidays paid vacations hospitaliza tion insurance and other benefit' Good hourly rale Minimum charge 2 lines Count 31 letters and spaces per line labout 5' iurdxf Box number counts 23 spaces Recent graduate needed for work in quality control with opportunity for advancement in a wide range of areas allied to the fields of chemistry food technology or bacteriol ogy A chance to start with a company of unusual growth potential at its newest plant Contact personnel department Rubber Co NAUGATUCK CHEMICAL DIVISION PAINESVILLE OHIO Willingness Knthusia Neat appearance Ar is no factor Willlne to earn $10000 or appointment contact Lynch Painesville Ohio Elmwood 7 7574 A division ofXir Reduction Inc 6626 Union Ave VU 3 7494 31 1 to 5 years tn applica tion! revevr nri resins pre lerahle rpoxies Tn perform applied research on new epoxy resins Wrtie elvlna a detailed resume In rludlnr personal characteristics backcrourid and experience to tit Experienced parts coun ter and wholesale man needed for expanding parts department Prefer Chevrolet or GM parts experience JSalary plus fringe benefits Call in Person Ask for Mr Acker Permanent full time opportu nity Prefer experienced but will train qualified person age 21 to 3 5 must be person able high school graduate some college desirable have excellent work reference and ability to meet the public 5 day work week many em ploye benefits "Apply ersonnel Dept Room 600 Midland Bldg 123 Prospect COLLECTOR EXPERIENCED ONLY Adjustment of Errors It the leap risibility ol the Ad vrrtKer to cheek the corrections of ench Insertion of an advertisem*nt The Plain De ler assumes no slbllify for the repetition of errors tn advertisem*nts ordered tor mere than one insertion unless notified the same day Plea: Plant No 2 5514 Old Brecksville Rd Independence Cleveland 31 immediate openings for men in established organization offering excellent wages and steady employment Local company with ex cellent standing in its in dustry offers opportunity for young engineer with I to 3 experience in automotive or related fields EMPLOYMENT OICE OPEN DAILY 8 A TO 4:50 SATURDAY 8 A TO 12 NOON no East clwland and utilities: and reference cupamy true Job shop experience required Good hourly rate overtime cost of living and many other benefits Brownlee Chevrolet 12120 Detroit Ave Lakewood Must be free to travel exten sively quert level Lodge Card of Thanks in Memonams Cemetery an expert on all phases of ZVT tyirrn r' uund in rn learn ASSEMBLY fr'rrman' Expenened machine Bex 20463 Ham Dealer collect at MU 7 7490 nr Mnd a resume io Cnolev Technical Recruitment Man ager funeral Director In Mennriam Ixiice Mice Ixtxl for Steady work overtime: ihift premiums group insurance plan: paid hospitalization holidays vacations plus other Looking for'the RIGHT Job I Itou M'kce i 1 Hast (West) Others Irk Km Rent Hoorn Beard (l ast) Rent Rooms Beard (We4l Rent Suburban for Rent OuUof Tuii Share Itouces Deadlines Want the M' tntoz Plain Penlfr received until 5:00 nt daily or the Sunday Plain Dealer or all 8:30 riday Caucell tttoa up to 8 riday Expansion in new prn sram has created three ground floor pportunit es at MC'i nrw chemical Research and Development Center in Prinro tca Nr Jersey Leading East Side machine too! builder needs qualified mn for expanding engineer ing department Machine tool experience preferred Many company benefits Salary commensurate with ability and Rewards OR TINT SpartmrnU (East) Anarimrnis rms bfurase sot up and repair automatic and sec on drill pres and be familiar chuck? Worlds larrjert manufacturer Induction heating equipment immediate opportunity tor a signer Must be experienced in sirn of machine tools and handling equipment Salary commensurate with qualifications Excelleit work inc conditions modern plant com pany paid hospitalization and other benefits Machine designers tool designers process en gineers detailers Must have minimum 5 experience Ohio Crankshaft 3800 Harvard Ave penance Replv Box 003 3 Plan Dealer DENfTST: ah around opcr ia)L fkCf an ernoc ns rdf Automobile District Manager also Used Car Manager Exrhtticp terne Building Out of own Kral I tale I slate MKceilanrous Apartments Sites Business Properly Auto Body and ender Men All small ob no wrecks top salary i id commlSHon Apply in person West Side 16807 Lorain Ave East Side 22290 Lakeland Blvd 20 Help Mala I mplnymrnt lltirrau rtnile Imtnirtton Mair Help Help Help Help Hein Insjiinn emale I'ostlton Male 20 Help Male those who qualify salaries be paid while training Apply in person to either ri Harris oi jerry Cohen 30240 Lakeland Blvd Wickliffe Ohio wi 3 5700 Brown and Sharpe Set up Man Die Cast Operators Experto hjed rn aluminum 2od hourly rate plus trrua benefits Mohawk oundries Inc 55 irst Ave Here 20 Help Male We have openings with good opportunities for advancement in our pro duclion department High school graduate preferred Good starting wage with regular re views All of the big company benefits with company friendli CLERK Camera Store steady Good future Experience urces sary 1900 flth St 20 Help Male 20 Help Male This staff position re quires understanding of basic automotive equip ment and parts and abil ity to consult and nego tiate with us rs and sup pliers Excellent opportunity (or col lege graduate who can assume responsibility and wants growth potential Interesting work in account contact serv ice and claims adjustment Ideal conditions and good starting salary Ml I t730 Dealer Auditor Medium and larre dies for automoth and other work ine working c'mdMfons in nc plant with highest hourly rates and employe benefits overtime 1st and 2d shifts To Income will be inora to i i 0 per week end up based alcs Ymi will bf paid cash ad ar plus dealer discount and commission bonus basis You win bp selcr 'd 1 your pari throush a job aptitude trs? APPLY BY PHONE ONLY 9 TO I PERSONNEL DEPT Train al toll salary! Ae 21 38 hlh school graduate career intenst In the bankin field: Qualify tor ebruary Training Program downtown or suburban locations should include information re education ex and salary re rrphes confi after Dptruit Ave i isTcni dren pan (l 3 io 10 years applied re search of technical service ex perience preferably on Epoxy Hegins tor technical tervice inpoxy resins and other or ganic cto micals Sales liaison CHEMISTS APPLICATIONS CHEMISTS 3163 lam Dealer DENTAL Will ham Aiert elljsent young man or this perma nent rx Prcntis ED 1 1061 Dental Technician In plate department Must be wiw and dependable man salary Phone i hatoriarK Dents! Laboratories 5 Pak Avenue MamfieM DxMnIAN ftimaai uulugp sale t'sh lypnz nffn dutie imbithtn man for riL'i to rous mUD buanejj ca'rv dependent unm experience UT I 33 (Lirenrd) Ita Diamond Jewelry Chemical Operator Trainee Sheet Metal EXPERIENCED ON LIGHTSHEET METAL STRUCTURAL mtllAP TO PATTV'AV CARS SES OR TRAILERS SOME CASTING DESIGN EXPERIENCE DESIRED MECHANICAL LXYOUT TRUCK CHASSIS OR RELATED EX PRIENCS REQUIRED Brown Sharpe Operators and Set up Men by car to collect dflin accounts to dealers Remuneration fs J20Q advance vs ample fee PHONE MON ONLY 8:30 A TO MP HAMILTON PR 1 6847 Large automotive concern needs an experienced ac countant for auditing work in the Cleveland area Auto mobile dealer and public ac counting experience de rrable Permanent position with no extensive traveling Beginning salary $540000 plus cost of I 1 liviijv aiiuAoiiuE uiui i at nr ktxit surance program Automa Sala'L l1 rx a z4a4 lr a rl I personal use Give personal rl a rl and vv 1c i 9227 Lorain Ave CANVASSER Auctions Bunts Marine biipplirs lothinc ur Kepans ogs Peis Horses Stock ann loots Mrtihiturv 'fools Moto i tnos Musical Instruments Sale Household Hoods hale MIsrelhncotK Store and Office ixtures pou riteri Office achines Wanted Old Gold Diamunds anted Miscellaneous Expsrcnce In die 'ST I Ktum lnr A'f will he ver hetotol Precision Castings Co 12600 BREA RD Kent urnUhed Apartments IIVHI KCHl lliliiiMiu Kent nrnbhrd Hou Kent Rent our Reounes a this ttold or a ken Contact Mr Bums Unusual opportunity for young man with some experi ence Should have working background in advertising production Some knowledge of mail order selling required All replies will be kept confi dential Send resume of expe rience and background with approximate salary require ment to Box 2696'7 Plain Dealer in Section 3 Page 2 Also bedrum suite Lake LDir ru rvij Matin? full particulars Plain Dealer coun part htated apt PiTin Dealer SH 1 1716 DESIGNERS DRATSMEN MACHINE DETAIL Highest hourly rates: over time working conditions amous top rated company needs help Box '1 5469 Plain Dealer Have ihmouch knowledge of AC and DC motois and diagnose troubles Must be able to perform any required motor repairs have knowledge of required test methods and test equipment relat ing tn motors Excellent hourly rate and working conditions 3 1 to 5 yean expertonc in pnlymertzation preferable epoxy new product re search and poly merization in epoxy field If qualify tor any of these positions investigate your op portunities with us now I arc: lowers uneral Directors Lost and ound Lots Monuments appearing in the same location Notices VUHlcy llalllrd VlorlgAMvv Buucl*t Nuld XO I ICES Card ol lhankv Courtaulds 'Alabama) Jw nun ulacturar of cellulose fiber located on the Gulf Coast lias a vacancy in Its Dcslitri Section ot the En Einrerltis Department A Bachelor of Science decree from an accred il school In either Mechanical Chemical or Electrical Encmeerinr is required Candidate should a roistered Professional Ensmeer A minimum of five experi ence in a responsible position I desired which experience could he with a small or medium sited com pany or with a branch plant of a larger company where a consid erable amount of the engineering Is dene at the branch plant It is essential that the major portion ol the experience be in design however several combinations as outlined would be acceptable: Maintenance and Desien Construc tion and Design Estimating and Design nr Drafting and Design with a minimum of three years in Design Emphasis on Machine Design Is desirable Liberal fringe iH netit* Salary paid will be com mensurate with experience and ability Cancellations or Before 8 riday or Monday Before 5:30 Sunday Other days Before 6:30 pre ceding day When canceling an ad a cancella tion number will be given vou No allowance on claims canceled with out number CANVASSERS (2) Experienced hem improvements to work with the bfM In town Guaranteed draw Apply in person DESIGNERS DRATSMEN CHECKERS INDUSTRIAL PIPING WRITE OR CALL PODWALNY WARNER ASSOC ENGINEERS BROADWAY BLDG LORAIN Phono CH 5 6502 DESIGNERS' TOOL DESIGNERS DIE DESIGNERS SPECIAL MACHINE DESIGNERS 1st Class DETAILERS LONG High hourly rate Immediate opening tor a chemical engineer in medium sized Chloride Resin plant Applicants should have 2 to 4 years experience that in cluded Process control or development process engineering or project engi neering INDEX uioMonius Upland Parts Service I ID bale serf Automobile 401) t' 4 tD sale lktd Spoils and oreign tons 39B Spirts and foreien Cars rartt Aeevsorics Srrvce 39) Auto Parts Repairs Tires 4 ID Mobile Trailers 38!) EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY TO SELL OR THE OLDEST OLDSMOBILE DEALER IN CLEVELAND WHOSE REPUTA TION AND INTEGRITY IS A BY WORD IN CLEVELAND A COM PLETE TRAINING PROC RAM WILL BE GIVEN BY OUR PRO ESSIONAL STA THE OLLOWING TIONS Department Store Mgr Our standing ORPorlunlty for man ihtoughiy rned tn ptotncftonM psrtmenl more operation Must rchanduier: know offtoe and mre managc menv procedure Career rpo: tuDUy tor person Box OUT TOWN ADS should be ac companied cy cheek at above rates Patrol Valve Co BROWN SET UP AND OPERATE HIGHLAND MACHINE CO 3215 SUPERIOR MA 1 7910 BUILDING Supt iiorouglily experienced man pud wife tor nnw West Side ant bide Salary and air conditioned suite Call Mr Van dcr Las at AC 1 4242 or CH 1 07S9 CAKE DECORATOR Male or tomaie: must have experience in all kind nf decorating: hanetlts steady work near tratirp ta tion East Side Box 30352 Plain Dealer DRATSMAN Experienced 4 yra er more on uet 1 or aluminum sheet nieial products Must know construction de tailing suitable for jobbing tvpe sheet ai CRESCENT METAL PRODUCTS Information To place your ad cell MA 1 4500 and ask for an Ad Taker CAMPBELL SOUP CO Napoleon Ohio Phone Napoleon 2 1010 Exl CHEMISTS BS or BA to work jn inorganic and pi i steal chemistry Inxitlon in volves research work in such fields as: 1 Studies nf light emission from tort idgh temperature chemical re actions 2 Inorganic films tor electrical in sulation 3 Oxidation resistant inorganic coat iiis on metai 4 Preparation of high purity fraclory metals by unconverU chemical rrctruxd EMALE' CHEMIST BS chemist in assi Hip arch work of a Ph inorganic chemist the synthesis of ultra pure nwtci al io carry out non routine (hemical analyst of a wide rance of mat tial encountered in lamp develop ment and pmctoriton Phase send resume to: Technical Employment Dept 423 General Electric Co Mua Park Cleveland 12 AUTO PARIS SALESMAN Established lwal territory commission guarantee The Automotive Parts Co 184 0 S3 ST PG 1 1515 AUTO radiator repair man: Top hour ly nle IJkkcvjew Radiator 1787 Lakeview Rd CE 1 1164 7029 Broadway VU 3 1200 and Xza 18 to 25 minim im Leichi and weight and 140 lt5 Mu I be high school gradu ate single preferred We are tonkins tin mm who jjt interested in 'Ji in hjtu and has potential tor Cai! Mr Sproul or Mr South tor mtr vie apjw'ln mem utilities salary Plain CUSTODIAN' White middle aged iirrirniPd oart time: am iRkP'MMfi Nn children: reference! Daily Sun 22c 32c SUBMIT RESUME OR IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT SUBMIT RESUME OR IMMEDIATE MP1 CYMENT ARMITAGE INCORPORATE 0lb 2i 8TII ST ALLENTOWN PA Automotive Machines Must be capable and highly qualified GurranteM ST 000 per vr plus high bnnus Triangle Auln Parts Co 1 iraiuiti ELLOWS INC 4614 Prospect HE 2 1860 DISCOUNT MANAGER dl5Muni DISTRIBUTING CO 53 Main Si rn Akrt'n Cal! tor arervtew fr 6 5J26 DISPENSING pptician: 'Good piy ideal fuiurev Interviews kept cunnl'9al Cal CH 1 3210 ask lor Mr Nocken gust an '''pC'iifi to a service apprentice U't'nrr area Salary paid dutini: traiam Mut be able to pa? mMiatocai aptitude and screening arms and Acres ee Brook 321) tn 311) Lakewocd River Tainicw Hay to SID Wotlake Avon Avon Lake North OlniUed OlmHed rt 141 kn Dr "his Stronesvilie North Royalton 3 Brooklyn Parma Brooklyn Height Pjrma Heights 3U 3vD Seven Hills Broad view Itohhts Independence 31D Suburban Property Met4 Southwest 361) shaker Heights University Height Cleveland Heights Beachwood 2 2D 2 3D l'at Northeast laM Cleveland SmttheaM Garfield Height Ma ple Height Bedford Warren ville Heights 271) Willowick Willourhhy Eastlake Mentor tfHD W) South Euelid LvnrihurM Rich mend Heights Highland Heghts Mayfield 'Uy Held Heights 24Dto20D Pepper ike Orange Moreland Hills Solon Chagrin all Hunting Valky Gate Mill 21) Suburban Property East Southenl Sale Lots tillages Experienced in formulating industrial finishes pleasant working conditions: excellent future for right man: phone cr write for appointment Lacquer Products Inc 9001 Kinsman Rd Cleveland 1 chieHWhsk To take charge rf laboratory tor ex panding progressive Western Mich pro ducer of air and vaccum meitod super alloys Successful candidate will have a minimum of 5 yrs actual experience in analysts and methods 'n stainless tool steels and high temperature al loys Graduate preferred some college chemistry impel alive way cr emis sion snectruscopy desirable Submit complete resume and alary acslrcd Bex 27763 Plain Dealer BARBER: A guaranteed $70 pro prietor Colored Thomas A Jones 28 Walnut st Youngstown BARBER: Master or Apprentice Pauls Barber Shop 373 1 25 St BARBER: Good guarantee steady work Apply 22374 Lorain Rd BEAUTICIAN (Male Stylist Excellent opportunity for an owed operator Sears Arcade Saton CI 1 3100 Lucas and Job $hop experience required Good hourly rate Oveitirne cost of living and many other benefits 1st and 2d shift Bunell Machine Tool Co 1601 23rd St Bolt Maker Operator National Inch Good hourly rate plus bnritjs Experieitosd man only TRIPLEX SCREW CO 5319 Grant Av? V(J 3 3800 BOX SALESMAN Wood and corrugated ull Hmr ftr part Hme Cammiston Ml 1 200 20 Help Wanted Male Advertising and CUSTODIAN: couple: whin dren: JU1' time salafv $200 suit' nu tfirMhniN 9445? PlMn Dealer CUSTODIAN: or maintaining theatre and building Salary and living quar tor Prefer couple Apply hi perwn 0 ai ineaiir lohu 1 No pnnnr cam 1 couple white no cht! rime fur East Cleveland jtox CLERK New York Stock Exchange firm has opening for a man with experience in back office procedure Give age and salary wanted Bng 1069 Plain Dealer Cold Head Operator Solid die'hyprn header: good hourly rate and bonus experienced man only Triplex Screw Co 5319 Grant Ave VU 3 3800 COLLECTION" MAN Earnings Unlimited The man ve are locking for may be ureern iv agency er a finance company He may be an ex employee of ours and he could be you If you feel your paychock does not measure up to your natural ability then we have the position for you orzet the little guys who try to imitate us Come with the nation largest collection agency and make the kind of money YOU want to make ringe benefits include profit sharing stock participation plus rapid promo tion tor the right man If you've tried the rest Now uy the Best Anplv Mr Shields IRST NATIONAL CREDIT 'BUREAU 1120 Chester Ave Room 340 CH 1 4000 COLECTION WORK AsstMant to manager wish ability to examine and analyze delinquent re ports Must have experience ard rqod memory Ace 22 45 downtown office nutside work 5 1av week Salary INCORPORATED CONSULTANTS 1010 Euclid Ave Suite 201 anted Auto ruks 3HD Mitos I ru ks for Rent or Lease 3RD MMorrycl nicjrles 391) Bl MN) SS I UNI I IKS ItoMrn ms OppurtuiiUii 2 ID 221) BfblNSS St Rt Barter and Swap 101) rdueathmal 13D 1 ID lowers 2B Cemetery I Monuments 2B IVrsunals Business Notices I OD Repairs and Sen ice 0D HI I Ijiiplojnient Bureau emale Try NATIONAL CITY BANK! Bera um of rxiMtwion nur company needs top fluto salesmen between the nf 24 and 30 Here is an op portunity to toin a progresjfivp multiple hne ijisutanto ronmanv Onlv with a stnii: agicssive personality and a wi'llncnesj tn earn above aver are earning will be considered We Mill provide ii 5 vrrk expense paid tralniiu: p'o am aiw ntecd plus si tor thr men Opening's urouctout Greater Cleveland are ki Yost WY 1 9000 for lurtlier information and appointment for Irto 'vri'v ISD 19D (Wt Mt) 191) ou 201) Convalescent uj19D 20D 2OD Site 201) 291) LOCAL WANT AD RATES Within 100 miles of Cleveland (Pates beyond this area given upon req ue st DEATH NOIUCES: 6 lines daily $2:30: Sunday $240: excess icr 6 lines at rates under Other Clas Cflcatirnj" Death Nonces Lost and ound and Lodge Notices accepted up to mid night for the next edition Positions per line: Daily Sun consecutive 3 or more consecutive in scrttoiw 1 er two Insertions 20 Help Male BUILDERS HARDWARE Maiwser wanted for contract bulWcrs liardwara dipt by old esl contract hardware co Akron Major inu topresputed with good archilertura followin' Write in full for appoint went The Morsan Iftrrtware CO 3 West Bowcry Akron cl SHORT ORDER MAN or WOMAN DAYS: titcady llabie expcrietKe salary Appy MIAMI RESTAURANT 10008 EUCLID AVE COOK sbort'order niusi be expert enerd apply in person at Willo Rev taurant 29050 Lake Shore Blvd Willowick Copy Draftsmen and Tool Engineers have oxnerirnci with automatic machine tootint: droup insur pinn paid to pi tafeilion etc MC co 30240 Lakeland Blvd Wickliffe COST ACCOUNTANT General contractor's office Maintain running costs of projects under con struction and deinmlne unit cost Permanent downtown location Stale age experience and salary Box 11963 Plain Dealer COUNSELORS 'for resident camp near Cleveland June 15 thru Aug 27 Only college student 19 vr older needaPPtygR' 107 23 CRANE operator: Truck magnet: ex perienced in scrap Steady Apply to person 11 to 4 ni 3020 Ol Credit Union Manager Mint have credit union experience or equivalent Box 17 063 Rtaln Dialel CREDITS AND COLLECTIONS One of the liadlnj aerncles in the collection field haa Immediate opentns for an assressive younk man who Is wllllne in work liaid In order to be com? inside hacKgr desire AUTO SALESMAN We huve an opcnmg tor an arcs Kive salesman with sales experience pc rferred one for new and one tor fused cars This Jc an excellent op jportunity for advancement and a good I future We have a very excellent com pensation plan with incentives for volume Seles Manager PARADISE PONTIAC fiOO Lorain OL 1'2626 AUTO SALESMEN Excellent Opportunity We need 2 experienced salesmen to sell new and used cars Opportunity unlim ited to: rlcht man See Dubbs DUBBS MERCURY 7710 Superior HE 1 2685 Automobile Commercial Vehicle Salesman Cleveland's only authorized West SieR Volkswagen dealer offers a scry fine sales position with imlimltfd possibil ity but we must have a good man with Ingenuity and foreelght Protecicd territory floor lime Demo plan and wceklv guarantee Sr? Jnck power TDRSMAN MOTORS INC 17719 Detroit Ave LA AUTO SALESMAN To aell the all new I960 Mercury Ex perience unn cessary Our MJ plan based on commission enable you to make upwards of $800 mo which tocludra transportation and other bene fs See Sales ftfanager SOCOTCH MOTORS INC Mercury Denier 10421 Lorain Are AUTO Need 2 exnerieifcc rl men to round ou' a hard hittine sales force plenty of floor action as the result of our all out advertising prosram Our ner compensation plan enables ones earn ing to be unlimited A CHEVROLET 5327 Mayfield HI 2 2686 AUTOMOBILE used ear buyer Must be experienced soM opportunity Give ace experience salary expected tn first letter New dealer Just opening lot Box 30552 Plain Dealer AUTOMOTIVE DESIGNERS Rent Rent Business Placw for Rem llunira tor Axru Houses for Rrnt (aM) for Itont ftont actory Warehouse I ornix WHit tn Rent Rent urnhhcd Apartment fEiisii 19) Varied opportunities stable prestige employment with ex cellent paid training pro grams and salary merit plan ACCOUNTANT man mlleue graduate anviiintinf nr Hiiditifl? and supervisory TELLER cwn tools fui rate olmty yiht man A AUTO SERVICE INC 74 00 Euclid Ave AUTOMOBILE DISTRICT SALES MANAGERS Thr IfirfiKt tr iKttfftVB nf mi rtf largest jlllnj import cars has seven! vacancies in ther field organi rathms Th tjr the finest ripportunity in the automobile business Compensa tl'n and benefits are considerably aboe average and terrific expansionM company and affiliates effer quick advancement for demnnatratod ability ynu have a background of both itoiesaic ant retail automobile exPerinct pla reply by letter to the General al Manager tn care of Box 16668 Plain Dealer Mill nty iv STAR BUILDERS INC 3150 Corner of Broadway No Phone Calls Please CANVASSERS: 30' deal Work with owners tn improvement field Laree earnlngs advanr against earnings can be arranged CE 1 7111 eves YE 2 9957 AUTO ELECTRICIAN Experienced on truck and pasenger car generators voltage regulators carburetor and wiring Do not an swer unless you have had vears of experience in this line Applicant mM have rcfeicnces and employed tn this field tor ar least the last 10 years Gonq hourly rate with chance tor advancement Prefer man whn can act as instructor Box 15269 Plain De Her ATO BODY MAN PART TIME Days Light trues 2R7n Wtifdhill Rd RA 1 8400 AUTO MECHANIC xnrripnred In general rrpatra Must ot ARCHITECT Rendered aiehltert or architectural engineer experienced In Mnictarsl a uel! as architectural design for execu tive poaiUca ADACHE ASSOC Penthouse Hotel Hollenden CH 1 6045 ASSISTANT parts manager ixperknce preit rred starting salary according to experience swd tcferences required: responsible position: good thance fur advancement Contact Ken Hall Gen era! Mgr Williams Motor Co Berea BE 2077 CARPET SALESMAN Experienced in carpet stlllnx: or deco rating This an onporturlty for a man wshin? a permanent connection with one of the finest departments ittothla area This spot is noen only because of a person retiring Draw and commission RIS A SCHLrELE CO 25th at Lorain CH cafitcna: Hudson area: days Apply at Mato Cafeteria 3d and Prospect Chemical Engineer Chemist Graduate with sufficient manufactur ing experience to develop evaluate and erntto! procefsine of eoat tor and to offer technical assistance to operating peraonnet nhio loaifion Submit salary requirements to Box 15903 Plain Dealer CIHE ENGINEER" or 300 bed community hospital 30 ml from Cleveland available July 1st Salary commensurate with engineering degree and or experience Give com plete resume Box 14168 Plain Dealer Instruction 131) Wanted Arents 1 3D Wanted emale 1 5D 1 HD Wanted Male 10D to LTD Wanted Salesman 13D Saleswomen IBl) Housekeeping Itomes tor Aged Convalescent Children Boarded (Excluding com mercial establishments) Lost and pee line (agate tyoei 7 consecutive insertions 22c 3 or more consecutive in sertinnx 23e 1 or two insertions 35c All outer Clastifirations: Dally Sun consecutive inse: lions dbc 3 or more consecutive In sertions 39c 1 or two Insertions 49c Anbiv in perw PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 629 Euclid Ave SUPERVISOR Working supervisor for yeast good including bread and rolls shop benefits steady Box 30 2 52 Plato Dealer BARBER part or full time 75 Mas ter or apprentice $30 guarantee tor Sat reddie? Barber Shop across from Eastlake Drive In Vine St WH 3 5755 alter 7 BARBER full or part time $75 guar anteed or 75 rank's Barber Shop 11206 Union WA 1 5978 t' Want Real state sAli MLSC El LAN LOUS 371)3RD3RD 37D 20D 3RD 37DV 3RD 37D 3H137 D91) Central Bench Hand Inc SERVICE AND AXA XX BIATM NOTZES' 'f" ry Desig rnefi Mfg Co DESIGNERS Sales Long' Chrysler Corporation Laughlin Canvassers Diertiakers Service Inc njp Tvnf ixture Men Radial Drill Builders Efficient Tool Diemakers Coif Methods Inc.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.