Npc Roster - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/6/2019 Npc Roster


    NPC Roster IInitiates of the Hidden Fire

    The Initiates of the Hidden Fire are a small, Seattle basedmagical group led by a magician called

    Flame. There is an associated company with the group called theAlchemical Securities Group (ASG).

    This company supplies magical services to a wide range ofclients both corporate and private. When

    the players work over a small corporation or a rich person'shouse, they may find that these are the

    people behind the wards. Equally, if the players are looking forinformation, foci or even to hire an

    enchanting shop or hermetic circle, the Initiates of the HiddenFire can provide.

    Initiates of the Hidden Fire

    Strictures: Limited Membership (Hermetics), Fraternity, Dues(300 p/m)

    Members: 4

    Resources: Medium

    Patron: Alchemical Securities Group (ASG)

    Flame, Hermetic MagicianHuman, Initiate 2

    Image: Tall, broad shouldered man in early thirties, with ashock of unnatural red hair and an

    alchemical nano tattoo that curves lazily around one of thispiercing blue eyes. He is dressed in

    decorated robes that would be clich except for their obviouscost red sweeping things embroidered

    with gold and emerald threads. The nanimated material pulsesslowly in a hypnotic fashion, like hot


    Role Playing: Confident, slightly arrogant, and irritatinglymysterious. Of course he makes a good

    living being all three of these things, but still. Arrogancedoes not always accompany stupidity,

    however and Flame is both a very competent magician and a notbad combatant. He also takes great

    pride in his ally spirit. He also has quite a quick temper if hethinks he has the edge over some one.

    Background: Flame, akaJonathan Cane, was born to a corporatefamily and expressed his gifts in

    his early teens. Consequently, he has been well educated and hisparents were savvy enough to fund

    his arcane education without binding him to any corporateapprenticeship schemes. He was also

    brought up to be a winner and deals very badly with not beingthe top dog. Consequently, now in

    his thirties, he is running a successful business and living thegood life and quite happy about it, thank

    you very much. The hermetic circle which he founded substitutesfor any really close friends.

    Work: In addition to the common money spinner of ward work,Flame is licensed for court and police

    work, interrogating defendents and suspects with mind probes. Heis also a very accomplished


    Crucible, Ally SpiritImage: The word monster was never moreappropriate. It seems to partly be, or once have been, a

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    wolf. Now whatever the coal dark, smoldering thing is, it's nonatural animal. Lava like seams of heat

    crack their way through its charcoal fur and its eyes burn withorange fire, as the thing crouches

    toward you.

    Role Playing: Guarded and dangerous. Crucible is not afraid ofanything and has the predatory

    instincts of the wolf it once was. But though animal like inpersonality and behaviour, it is nonetheless

    intelligent and will apply that intelligence well when it ishunting.Background: Once a natural wolf, puchased by Flame at greatexpense, it is now the inhabited form

    of his ally fire elemental. It is intelligent, but fierce, andutterly loyal to its master. For sport, its master

    sometimes takes it out to a reservation in the NAAN where, for afee, he is allowed to set Crucible

    hunting, which it loves.

    Haze, Hermetic MagicianHuman, Initiate 1

    Image: A young woman of not quite determinable age with perfect,purchased beauty and cybered,

    amber eyes. She dresses in an soft, claret suit, perfectlytailored and which shimmers different shades

    from time to time.

    Role Playing: Mercurial and takes pleasure in keeping people offbalance. Incredibly intelligent and

    able to keep a straight face through even the most outrageouslies. Ostensibly friendly, however.

    Background: Haze, akaJane Dupont, has always been too clever forher own good. The arcane

    complexities of hermetic magic are her bread and butter, andalthough she has developed her power to

    only a limited degree, her grasp of theory and is superb. Shegraduated from MIT&T with a first class

    honours and has now moved to Seattle to pursue a career in thelucrative security market, there. Her

    life so far has been fairly studious and though she's wellcapable of being sociable, even pretty wild,

    the sad truth is that there are so very few people who canactually understand her.

    Work: In addition to the routine work of setting up wards forvarious corporations and wealthy home

    owners, Haze runs a very successful line in designing formulas,whether for spells, enchantments or

    very occasionally spirits. She also works part time as a tutorin spell craft and magical theory.

    Isaac Oded, Hermetic MagicianDwarf

    Image: An immaculate little dwarf who looks like he's justrolled off the assembly line. From his

    shiney black shoes to his precisely back combed, grey hair andhis perfectly pressed blue suit inbetween he couldn't be morespruce. Hypothetically, if there were dirt on him, it would beclean. A

    small AR monocle is clipped to his breast pocket, fitted with aflip down jeweller's magnifier, no less.

    Probably for checking everything is straight.

    Role Playing: By the book. Can't hurry him. Can't distract him.He's methodical, precise, and when he

    makes a joke it's usually so subtle it's a day before anybodynotices. His favourite saying is: You rush

    a miracle man, you get rotten miracles.

    Background: Isaac was born. He found he was a mage. So hestudied and learnt how to be one. Then

    he worked as one. It all seems fairly straight forward to Isaacand he's never really understood why

    other people find life so complicated. They're probably just notvery clear thinkers.

    Work: Isaac is an enchanter, and though capable of small magics,primarily focuses on producing

    formula, preparing telesma, refining orichalcum, etc. He isperfectly competent at creating wards,

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    Leo Mills, Hermetic MagicianHuman, Initiate 1

    Image: An unprepossessing, rather skinny, nebbishy man withlittle round AR spectacles and wholooks ill at ease in his smart,grey suit. From stooped posture to the slightly pleading expressionon his

    face, he looks like a walking apology. A commlink dangles on achain around his neck and blips his

    social networking profile to others. It indicates that his nameis Leo, he is coincidentally a Leo and is

    interested in magical theory, goblin rock concerts, ork cultureand making new friends.

    Role Playing: Leo is awkward, bright and actually one of thenicest people you could hope to meet.

    He's well liked by his friends and frequently goes out of hisway to help people. He's also quite bright

    and earning a good living as a mage. He's rather daunted byFlame and over awed by Haze, but once

    he's comfortable in a group he can actually be quitetalkative.

    Background: Leo comes from a Puyullup barrens family thatscrimped together just enough money

    to pay for their child to undergo magical testing. Their extremegood fortune that little Leo had

    magical potential got him a life he would never have hadotherwise. Sadly his parents were killed

    when caught up in gang warfare in Leo's seventeenth year. He hasvowed never to forget his origins,

    and a good portion of his income goes to various barrens socialprograms.

    He is married to Catherine Mills, his childhood friend andsweetheart.

    Work: Leo seems to have a natural gift for Cleansing and is thecircle's specialist in dealing with

    harmful background counts.

    Catherine Mills, SamuraiOrk

    Image: A petite ork woman, about 5'10 (1.52m), with a strong,muscular build, light skin and soft

    dark hair, perhaps Japanese origin. She typically wears avaguely military ensemble, including an

    armoured jacket and carries an SMG on her hip. She looksconfident in her ability to use it, too.

    Role Playing: An honourable woman, but slow to trust. Until thatpoint, she remains quite remote and

    intimidating. She doesn't take kindly to threats orviolence.

    Background: Catherine spent the early part of her life in thePuyallup barrens. It wasn't nice. To this

    day, she remains untrusting and suspicious of people. And shesees that as a good thing. It was only

    Leo's care and affection for her that gave her a bridge out ofthe barrens, though ironically she and

    Leo both see her as the strong protector of the couple. They'rean odd couple, not least because of the

    gender reversed roles of their physical power, but they owe eachother a lot over the years and love

    each other deeply.

    Work: Cathering works for the group as a physical security andbodyguard. In addition to being a

    skilled combatant, she makes use of various knowsofts in orderto oversee some of the circles

    mundane security such as drones.

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    Game StatisticsFlame, Hermetic Magician

    Human, Initiate 2

    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM3 3 3 3 5 3 4 5 5 2 6 6 110

    Movement: 10/25

    Skills: Assensing 3, Astral Combat 4, Blades 2, Counterspelling4, Conjuring Skill Group 4, Dodge 2,

    Etiquette (Corporate) 3, Leadership 4, Negotiation 2, Perception1, Spellcasting 3, Unarmed Combat 5

    Metamagic Techniques: Quickening, Ally Conjuration

    Spells: Analyze Magic, Armour, Astral Armour, Compel Truth,Detect Magic (Extended), Fireball,

    Flamethrower, Ignite, Mind Link, Mindprobe, Offensive ManaBarrier, Stunball, Stunbolt.

    Gear: Weapon Focus (Katana) 3, Sustaining Focus 5, ArmourClothing (4/0), Commlink (Transys

    Avalon, Iris Orb O/S), Image Link Contacts, EurocarWestwind.

    Language: English, Latin, Greek.


    Force 3 Ally Spirit, Inhabited Hybrid Merge Wolf

    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    5(7) 6 6 5 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 9 2 11(12)

    Movement: 10/50

    Skills: Assensing 3, Astral Combat 3, Counterspelling 3, Dodge3, Infiltration 3, Perception 3,

    Shadowing 3, Spellcasting 3, Tracking 3, Unarmed Combat 3

    Powers: Banishing Resistance, Concealment, Dual Nature,Elemental Attack (Fire), Energy Aura

    (Fire), Immunity to Normal Weapons, Magician, Natural Weapon(Claws/Bite: 4P, AP0), Sapience,

    Sense Link.

    Spells: Astral Armour, Detect Life, Magic Fingers, Mind Link,Ram (Door), Shadow, Stabilize.

    Quickened Spells: Increase Body (Force 7)

    Haze, Hermetic Magician

    Human, Initiate 1

    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    2 2 3 1 3 3 5(7) 4 3 3 5.6 6 1 9Movement: 10/25

    Skills: Arcana 6, Assensing 3, Athletics 1, Counterspelling 5,Con 4, Conjuring Skill Group 2, Dodge

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    1, Enchanting 2, Etiquette (Street) 3, Leadership 3, Negotiation3, Perception 3, Spellcasting 4.

    Metamagic Techniques: Quickening

    Spells: Alter Memory, Analyze Device, Analyze Magic, ChaoticWorld, Confusion, Deflection, Fast,

    Heal, Influence, Invisibility, Levitate, Mask, Mob Mood, org*sm,Phantasm, Physical Camouflage,

    Translate, Stunbolt.

    Bioware: Betaware Cerebral Booster 2, Betaware Cybereyes (ImageLink, Vision Enhancement 2,

    Vision Magnification)

    Gear: Armour Clothing (4/0), Spellcasting Focus (Manipulation)2, Commlink (Erika Elite, Iris Orb),

    Honda Spirit.

    Language: English, Latin, Greek, Japanese, Hebrew.

    Isaac Omed, Hermetic Magician


    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    3 2 1 3 3 2 5 6 4 2 6 3 1 9

    Movement: 8/20

    Skills: Arcana 4, Assensing 3, Counterspelling 2, Enchanting 4,Etiquette 2, Negotiation 3, Perception

    3, Spellcasting 3.

    Negative Qualities: Enchanter Aspect ( 4 dice conjuring,sorcery, assensing, astral combat).

    Spells: Analyze Magic, Detect Magic.

    Gear: Commlink (Transys Avalon, Iris Orb), Honda Civic

    Language: English, Latin, Greek, Hebrew

    Leo Mills, Hermetic Magician

    Human, Initiate 1

    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    1 1 2 1 4 4 5 5 3 6 6 5 1 9

    Movement: 10/25

    Skills: Arcana 3, Assensing 4, Astral Combat 4, Counterspelling3, Conjuring Skill Group 3, Etiquette

    (Street) 3, Perception 4, Sorcery Skill Group 3.

    Metamagic Techniques: Cleansing

    Spells: Confusion, Cure Disease, Deflection, Heal, Healthy Glow,Invisibility, Shapechange, Stunbolt,

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    Gear: Armour Clothing That Wife Makes Him Wear (4/0), Commlink(Erika Elite, Iris Orb), Honda

    Spirit, Harley Scorpion

    Language: English, Latin.

    Catherine Mills, Samurai


    B A R S C I L W E ESS Init IP CM

    6 4(5) 4(7) 5(6) 2 3 2 2 2 0.68 7(10) 4 11

    Movement: 10/25

    Skills: Athletics Skill Group 3, Automatics 3, Blades 3, CyberImplant Weaponry 3, Dodge 3,

    Etiquette (Street) 3, Infiltration 1, Negotiation 1, Pistols 3,Longarms 3, Unarmed Combat 3.

    Qualities: High Pain Tolerance

    Cyberware: Alpha Wired Reflexes 3, Alpha Muscle Replacement 1,Alpha Cybereyes (Imagelink,

    Smartlink, Vision Enhancement 2, Thermographic Vision), AlphaDatajack, Alpha Hand Razors

    Gear: Ares Predator IV, Ingram Smartgun X, Armour Jacket,Knowsofts (Home and Small Office

    Security Procedures and Tactics 4), Knife. 2x Doberman Drones w/Ingram White Knight LMG,

    Bulldog Step Van.

    Language: English.

    All work copyright ofK. Nasser, 2007 except where stated.

    WizKids, Inc. has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork,marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video

    and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the gameShadowrun. WizKids, Inc. has granted

    permission to to use such names, logos, artwork,marks and/or any proprietary materials for

    promotional and informational purposes on its website but doesnot endorse, and is not affiliated with in any official capacity whatsoever.

  • 8/6/2019 Npc Roster


    NPC Ro ster IIInformants

    The below is a selection of informants and contacts for theShadowrun game. They are not intended to

    be connected in any way other than thematically. When a GM needsto feed some information to the

    players following some successful Charisma + Etiquette rolls, ora new characters wants to purchase

    a couple of low influence contacts, the following should be ableto be dropped into most games.

    Eden, the dancerHuman, Snake Shaman

    Image: A petite, snake hipped femme with long curling dark hair,curves like a goddess, smile like agenie. She wears snake skin(real?) pants and a black leather waistcoat that shows a softslight belly

    and buttons tight across her chest. A small painting of an appletree adorns the base of her spine.

    Quote:'I don't know all that fancy philosophy and theology andschool stuff, but I figure if something

    feels right, then it must be... don't you think? Ain't nothin'complex 'bout that.'

    Role Playing: Young, fun and possessed of a profoundly practicalsort of wisdom. Kind and

    supportive, but sometimes a little difficult to prise away from(or off) the bar.

    Background: Born and raised in Chicago at first, but since movedto Seattle for a better life, Eden

    knows one thing and one thing well how to live and to party.Making her nuyen in the bars and strip

    clubs from Downtown to Tacoma to Bellevue, Eden has two thingsthat set her apart from the other

    dancers... hips that move like a Latin American Dance Queen andthe ability to cast spells. Eden first

    heard the call of Snake when she was sixteen, surviving inChicago. Snake is Eden's dark side... not

    evil, just hedonistic. Snake is also a healer and a wisecounsellor to her. Eden is not afraid to work her

    magic into her performances, and in exclusive showings,transforms herself into a snake and back as

    well as using her charmed pets in some of the shows. Eden has noproblem with her sexuality and

    wouldn't do the job she did if she felt it was wrong. Sheattracts both men and women to watch her.

    Contact Potential: Eden's skills and profession get her into theoddest of places. Her friendlydemeanour and openness, lead a lot ofpeople to confide in her. Potentially, Eden could have a lineof

    access to anyone from the topmost politicians to the lowest ofmafia bosses. Getting her to divulge the

    information to the players however, could be a whole differentgame, however.

    Human, Magician (Shaman)

    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    3 3 2 2 5 5 3 4 1 5 6 6 1 10

    Movement: 10/25

    Skills: Assensing 3, Con 2, Conjuring Skill Group 3,Counterspelling 3, Dance 4, Dodge 2, Escape

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    Artist 2, Etiquette (Street) 5, First Aid 1, Leadership 1,Negotiation 1, Perception 5, Spellcasting 3,

    Knowledge (Seattle Clubs and Bars) 3, Knowledge (Seattle Gangs)2, Knowledge (Insect Spirits) 2,

    Knowledge (Popular Music) 3.

    Language: English

    Spells: Detect Magic, Critter Form (Snake), Borrow Sense, MindLink, Mind Probe, Alleviate

    Addiction, Increase Charisma, Healthy Glow, Double Image,Control Animal

    Gear: Metalink Comm (Vector Xim OS), Sustaining Focus (Force1)

    Si x-Face Shihab, th e S pir itFree Spirit, Force 2

    Image: An over large head, about a foot wide with a face onevery side. some moustached, some

    smooth, some fierce browed, some fat jowled. The apparition bobsalong, rotating sometimes as each

    face peers to look at whatever catches it's interest. A low bubbub of muttering filters through the air

    as the various faces constantly argue, complain or complimenteach other.

    Quote:'Look at that... what? It's gone now. What was it? There'sa rat over there. Is that what you

    saw? No. You keep out of it. You keep out of it. Let's eat therat. It's not your turn. I don't mind. What

    did you see? But it's not his turn. No really it's okay. Whatdid you see? He doesn't mind. I'm going to

    eat the rat. You're not going to eat the rat. WHAT DID YOU SEE?Hey, there's an ork over there

    looking at us. I just said that. No you didn't. I did I saidlook at that! You're always letting him bossyou around. I'm nothungry. He's not hungry! He's just saying that. Do we know the ork?No, no, no,

    don't think so, not seen him before myself, no. Oh, the rat'sgone now. Let's go look at the ork.

    Role Playing: Nosy, curious, sometimes playful, often rude.Imagine six slightly senile men glued

    together for all eternity. Which is not to say that Shihab iseither slow or stupid, merely short on focus

    and sometimes difficult to talk to.

    Background: As with many free spirits, nobody quite knows wherethis one came from. He seems to

    have emerged sometime in the last three years to float about thecity, spying on people through

    windows or from the astral and to give the occasional child afright of truly epic proportions. Eachface can talk and observeindependently, though he seems to have no problem deciding what hewants

    to do. If indeed it is a 'he' and not a 'they.' Incidentally,Shihabs faces are mainly middle eastern in

    appearance, and though they vary widely in appearance, they areall male and all just a little too big

    on his larger than human great cubic head. Aside from spying andnosing on people, Shihab's other

    two joys seem to be carrying on endlessly inane conversationswith itself, like two old ladies in a

    nursing home, and secondly, eating rats whenever it can catchone. The sight of the spirit gleefully

    descending on a rat and chomping up the morsel (only to have thebones be spat out by a different

    face) is one that can disturb even the most hardened ofshadowrunners.

    Contact Potential: Shihab has few needs as a spirit and zerointerest in money. If the players wish to

    bargain with the spirit for knowledge (and the spirit can takegreat, mean spirited delight in being

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    suddenly cagey when it wants to be), they are going to have topay it in kind. Fortunately, Shihab has

    some different ideas about what value to place on knowledge andmay happily exchange valuable

    black mail material on the local Yakuza boss in exchange forjuicy gossip about a neighbour he's

    become interested in.

    Free Spirit, Force 2


    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 10

    Movement: 15/40 (flight)

    Skills: Assensing 3, Con 2, Counterspelling 2, Dodge 2, Flight2, Infiltration 3, Negotiation 2,

    Perception 4, Spellcasting 2, Knowledge (Seattle Geography) 4,Knowledge (Seattle Gangs) 2,

    Knowledge (Seattle Criminal Organisations) 2.

    Language: Arabic, English, Japanese, Cantonese, Sioux,Spanish.

    Powers: Astral Form, Concealment, Materialisation, Search,Enhanced Senses (Low Light), Sapience,

    Confusion, Magician.

    Spells: Detect Individual, Analyse Truth

    Hurtle Harry, the taxi-driver.Dwarf, rigger.

    Image: A fat little Chinese dwarf, with a range of nano tattoos,black hair receding at the front, long

    and pony tailed at the back, he's typically dressed in a grubbyjumpsuit and boots. He looks a little

    shy of middle age so for a dwarf, he must be hitting thelifestyle pretty hard.

    Quote:'If you go fast enough, nothing else will hit you... seetotally missed that drone it's just

    common sense. What's easier to catch? A ball or a bullet? Thefaster you go, the safer you are....

    What ifI hit something? No sir, if you go fast enough, everyonewill get out of your way. Take my

    advice and never drop below 100kph. It's the magic number.'

    Role Playing: Friendly, gregarious, but nobody's fool. He's gotthe gift of the gab and can talk

    extensively on urban brawl, combat biking, politics, crime andracial equality. But he knows how to

    listen to the interesting fares, too, and Hurtle Harry certainlypicks up some interesting people from

    time to time.

    Background: A Seattle native, Harry Hong loves the city likenobody else ever could. He knows the

    high points and the low points (okay, maybe the low points) andcares passionately about the life of

    the regular Seattlite. Making his money racing people around thecity, he works long hours to provide

    for his wife and kid, and if he can top up his kid's school fundby selling a little information on the

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    side, then that's all to the good.

    Contact Potential: Quite naturally, Harry (the Hurtle to hisfriends) can provide good information

    on things that are going down in Seattle. If you need to knowwho's muscling in on who's turf and

    which politico was secretly ferried back from a bunraku parlourin the early hours of the morning, ask

    Harry. Just be prepared to feed his meter a little extra inreturn.


    B A R S C I L W E ESS Init IP CM

    3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 5.1 6 1 10

    Movement: 8/20

    Skills: Pilot Aircraft (Air Taxi) 3, Pilot Groundcraft 3,Etiquette (Street) 3, Con 1, Negotiation 3,

    Pistols 1, Unarmed Combat 1, Knowledge (Seattle Geography) 3,Knowledge (Seattle Criminal

    Activity) 3, Knowledge (Seattle Politics) 3, Knowledge (UrbanBrawl) 2, Knowledge (Combat Biking)


    Language: English

    Gear: Air Taxi (awaiting Arsenal), Colt American Lt. Pistol.Mapsoft (rating 5), Fake Licences (rating

    2 4), Fake SIMs (ratings 2 5). Commlink (Renraku Sensei, RenrakuIchi). IC loaded in Air Taxi


    Cyberware: Datajack, SIM Module (Hot SIM Modified), Control Rig,Image Link,

    All work copyright ofK. Nasser, 2007 except where stated.

    WizKids, Inc. has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork,marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video

    and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the gameShadowrun. WizKids, Inc. has granted

    permission to to use such names, logos, artwork,marks and/or any proprietary materials for

    promotional and informational purposes on its website but doesnot endorse, and is not affiliated with in any official capacity whatsoever.

  • 8/6/2019 Npc Roster


    NP C Rost er I IIPrime Runners

    This collects a selection of advanced opposition for Shadowrun4th

    edition. All of these characters are

    intended to be elite rivals, resistance or assassins for the PCparty. They vary in power, and as always

    in Shadowrun, what one does is typically more important thanwhat one is capable of. However, all of

    them, most especially Lucia, have the potential to seriouslythreaten the PCs.

    Du lac, th e S pec ia l Forc es .Elf, Samurai

    Image: A little short for an elf, around 5'10 but slimlymuscular and with a lean, Caucasian face,framed by simple darkhair. Nothing immediately stands out, except the somewhat pallidcast to his

    skin and his dark, slightly red rimmed eyes. On a mission, hewill likely be kitted out in a camoflage

    suit, mask and goggles.

    Quote:'You mind your own business. You tell me the job, I do thejob. That's where it begins and

    that's where it ends. I don't need your curiosity and Icertainly don't want your friendship.

    Role Playing: Intense, self absorbed, haunted. Driven is a wordthat comes easily to mind with

    Dulac. Unnerving is another. For the most part, Dulac will becompletely efficient and businesslike.

    Sometimes he will appear very haggard and sleep deprived.Occasionally, he might break down intotears, wail and rant. He willbecome very passionate and pro Tir if the subject of thatneighbouring

    country comes up. He also leans toward elf supremism.

    Background: Dulac, whose real name is Francois Pitou, was bornin Bordeaux in 2032, to human

    parents, but in 2035, they emigrated to Tir Tairngire in hopesof a better, and prejudice free life for

    their special child. To some extent, they got what they wanted.Though eternally held back by being

    human themselves, their child proved to be quite gifted andbegan to ascend the ranks. Raised in the

    culture of Tir Taingire and further conditioned by choosing toenter the Tir Peace Force, the young

    boy grew up with a deep, almost fanatical loyalty to the idealsof his country and the elven ideal. It

    was a natural progression that he followed and by the age ofthirty two, he had made his way into the

    elite Tir Ghosts and a Paladin, swearing fealty to Prince Ehranthe Scribe. It was to be his undoing.

    Captured in a minor diplomatic indicident with the Sioux, he washeld captive for eight weeks, during

    which time he was brutally and repeatedly tortured. He brokeunder the treatment and gave up what

    minor information he had. Returned in a prisoner exchange, hewas accepted back into the Tir without

    charges. Perhaps had he been in better shape on his return,there might have been further disciplinaries

    carried out, but he never recovered from what he endured. Theconfrontation with what he sees as his

    own cowardice and weakness (it is not), is one he has not beenable to reconcile with his self image.

    After eight months on leave undergoing therapy and treatment inthe Tir, he one day simply

    dissappeared, crossing two border and winding up in the Seattleunderworld. His elite training and

    bioware make him a valuable resource and he knows it, hiringhimself out almost indiscriminately. His

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    neighbours in Downtown apartment complex know him only as aquiet person who does not mix, But

    by in between runs and superficial socialising, he sits at homedwelling on his betrayal and slotting the

    rarest of BTL's torture simulations from the victims, viewpoint. Sometimes he will tie himself to a

    chair, gagged, with the restraints timed to release him after aset period, and he will run the SIMs.

    Each time he pushes himself until he breaks down and betrays hisprince once more, and each time he

    blames himself. If he endures the treatment, then next time hesimply sets it to run longer, or moreintensely. The experienceleaves him scarred and exhausted each time. He will, however, stopat

    nothing to get back to his lost state of faith in himself.

    Role: Dulac can be used as a rival runner getting to the goalminutes before the players, an assassin

    targeting someone the PCs are guarding or a pawn of their enemy.Best is if he can be introduced as a

    character in his own right, before the players come up againsthim in a run, however.

    Usage Suggestions: Running in parallel with the team and takingthe prize from under their noses;

    infiltrating the players safe house; interrogating a captive PCwith the use of drugs and BTL torture


    Elf, Samurai

    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    4 5 (8) 5(7) 3 3 4 2 6 0 3 3.75 9(11) 1(3) 10

    Movement: 10/25

    Skills: Automatics 4, Blades 3, Climbing 4 (Buildings), Con 2,Dodge 4, Electronic Warfare 1,

    Etiquette 2, Infiltration 5 (urban), Intimidation 3 (Torture),Hardware 2 (Security Devices). Perception

    4, Pistols 4, Longarms 4, Pilot Groundcraft 2, Running 3,Swimming 2, Negotiation 1, Disguise 2,

    Navigation 1, Shadowing 3 (Tailing), Unarmed Combat 3,

    Languages: English, French, Speretheriel

    Qualities: Guts, High Pain Tolerance III.

    Gear: Commlink (Transys Avalon, Response Upgrade 6, Sim Module,Firewall 6, System 5, IC w/

    Pilot 5, Black Hammer 5, Armour 5, Attack 5, Analyse 5), Trodes,Tag Eraser, Chameleon Suit, (Non

    conductivity 5, Thermal Damping 5), Fake Licence 6, Fake SIN 5,Torture BTLs, Walther MA 2100Sniper Rifle, w/ APDS (7P, 8AP, 10(m),smartlink), Uzi IV (smartlink), Gecko Tape Gloves,

    Hardware tools,

    Cyber / Bioware (all betaware): Orthoskin III, Muscle Toner III,Bone Density Augmentation III,

    Synthacardium III, Cybereyes II (Image Link, Recording Unit, LowLight, Thermographic, Smartlink,

    Flare Compensation). Synaptic Booster II.

    Buffalo, the Warrior.Troll Samurai.

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    Image: A serious looking amerind troll, standing a fractionunder eight feet, with a squat, powerful

    frame, His straight black hair falls around two ebony polishedhorns and frames a thick boned,

    powerful face.

    Quote:'I wish you to understand that this is not personal. Weall do what we have to do.'

    Role Playing: The classic strong, silent type on the outside,masking a quiet rage and desperationunderneath, an anger ever readyto erupt unexpectedly to the surface. Capable of acts ofcompassion

    where able to, however.

    Background: Buffalo is a citizen of Salish Shidhe and nativeamerican, born a troll. He served time

    in the Salish Shidhe military and performed adequately. Lackingother options, he would probably

    have gone all the way. But a nasty fight left him near death. Itwasn't even military action just a bar

    fight that got out of hand when some of the participants turnedout to be Syndicate men. Shot multiple

    times on leaving the place, Buffalo lost both arms and tooksevere damage to his chest and a fractured

    skull. Military health plan took care of the basics and pulledhim through, but to pay for cyberware

    suitable for his troll body, Buffalo had to get loans from theone group that would lend money to a

    troll in his situation the Yakuza. Now Buffalo's life is aspiralling nightmare of debt and repayments,

    working as muscle or a hitman for his Syndicate owners. Hedreams of buying his way free, but every

    time he gets close, something seems to happen to make thingsworse. And the only collateral he has,

    is expensive chrome that makes up his own body.

    Usage Suggestions: Any organised crime scenario where seriousmuscle needs to be deployed or they

    don't want to risk their own men.

    Troll, Street Samurai.

    B S A R C I L W E ESS Init IP CM

    9 9 4 4 (6) 2 3 2 3 2 0.25 7 (9) 1 (2) 13 (17)

    Movement: 25/40.

    Skills: Athletics Group 3, Close Combat Group 3, Dodge 2 (+1Dodge Move By Wire), Firearms

    Group 4, Heavy Weapons 4 (Machine Guns), Etiquette 3, Leadership2, Automotive Mechanic 2,

    Outdoors Group 2, Infiltration 2, Shadowing 2, Archery 1,Parachuting 1, Perception 3,

    Cybertechnology 1, First Aid 1

    Language: English, Makah

    Cyberware: Synthetic Cyber Skull (Armour 1), 2x Synthetic FullArm (Str 9, Bod 9, Agi 4, Armour

    4), Synthetic Cyber Torso (Str 9, Bod 9, Agi 4, Armour 2), MoveBy Wire I (Alpha).

    Gear: Armour Jacket (8/6), contact lenses (image link, smartlink and flare comp.), Fake Licence 4,

    (Firearms), Ares Predator (w/ APDS ammo), FN HAR (w/ Smart link,assorted regular, APDS and

    Ex Ammo), Stoner Ares M202 MMG (w/ Smart Link, gyrostabalisation, gas vent II). Respirator,

    combat knife, combat axe (not normally carried).

    Total Natural Armour, incl. troll bonus: 12 / 12

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    Total Armour whilst wearing Armour Jacket: 20 / 18

    Lucia, the Santera.Elf, Voodoo Tradition.

    Image: A disarmingly pretty young woman, supple limbed andgraceful. Long curling black hair

    doesn't conceal the delicate tip of an elven ear and the darklatin eyes and full lips are merely

    accentuated by the slim proportions of the elven face. Shetypically dresses simply, in a white dress

    and gold bangles that complement her dark skin.

    Quotes:'When the loa ride me, I warn you I will bedifferent.'

    Role Playing: There are two sides to Lucia. In one aspect, shehas a light, warm personality, sweet

    and strong. When ridden by her loa, however, she becomes wild,savage and revels in unleashing her

    her primal instincts. That is not to say that the latter side isless intelligent or perceptive. Both aspects

    of Lucia are as competent as the other but they couldn't be moredifferent. Both aspects understand

    themselves to be part of a whole, respecting each other andsharing goals. Their methodology and

    modes of expression are merely diametrically opposed.

    Background: Lucia grew up poor in El Paso but her parents alwaystaught her right from wrong and

    she kept herself respectable, charitable and hard working. Nordid she ever capitalise on her beauty or

    become vain. She was an angel amidst devils. At sixteen, she meta man, a practitioner of Santeria,

    who led her to a celebration on the outskirts of town. Andthere, she was stunned and amazed to

    suddenly see the Invisibles for the first time, soaring aroundand amidst the people who partied

    unaware of their astral guests. Lucia called out to them andthey heard her. Her first possession wasthat night.

    From there, her power grew. She came to Seattle and livedamongst the poor, gathering followers and

    adherents, still spreading light in a dark world. Even the localgangs pay her a certain respect,

    allowing her a neutrality that they would never accept fromanyone else. In return, she has helped

    many who suffered injury, addictions or even just fears anddoubts.

    But sometimes, other methods seem appropriate. It is not aconcious decision on Lucia's part

    without thinking through the implications of what she is doing,she performs the rituals and invites

    her loa into her body or into the bodies of her adherents thatvolunteer. And then she will unleash Hellbefore returning to herother aspect without qualm or concern over what the other aspecthas done.

    The two aspects of Lucia regard each other as completelydistinct, accept no responsibility for each

    other, yet work together perfectly.

    Role: Lucia is capable in combat, though is reasonably stealthy(particularly making use of levitation

    or wall crawling) and more likely to spring upon a lone teammember by surprise than a direct attack.

    She is particularly adept in astral combat and cunning enough totrick a hapless mage into exposing

    himself to attack. She also has many loyal friends in hercommunity who help to serve as eyes and

    ears and even allow themselves to be possessed by her loa whenshe asks. Both Lucia and Lucia are

    accepted as angels by those they help. Lucia should always beplayed intelligently. In the one aspectshe is wise and thoughtful,in the other aspect she is cunning and feral not stupidly violentor


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    Usage Suggestions: Lucia can make a terrifying adversary for theplayers to blunder into when they

    become involved in gang politics or work for a corp or Syndicatethat threatens Lucia's people or

    interests. They could also run across her if they have someoneor something that she wants. She is a

    power unto herself, however and should be treated as such. Eventhe Syndicates and Lonestar avoid

    crossing her or meddling on her turf. The counterbalance to herpower is that she is mainly benign

    unless provoked, and that she could be vulnerable to a surpriseattack if well planned. Note that Lucia

    normally has a few bound spirits ready to be summoned into herfollowers (mostly gangers) or to

    sustain spells for short periods.

    Elf, Magician (Voodoo), Initiate 4

    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    2 5 5 1 8 3 3 5 7 4 6 8 1 10

    Movement: 10/25

    Skills: Assensing 4, Astral Combat 6, Banishing 4, Binding 4,Blades 1, Dodge 5, First Aid 2,Perception 4, Shadowing 2, Summoning6, Infiltration 1, Influence Group 4, Counterspelling 4,

    Ritual Spellcasting 4, Spellcasting 6.

    Languages: Spanish (N), English

    Drain Attribute: Charisma + Willpower.

    Qualities: Spirit Pact (Formula).

    Spells: Alleviate Addiction, Antidote, Area Thought Recognition,Deflection, Astral Armour, CureDisease, Decrease Willpower, DetectLife, Detox, Heal, Increase Willpower, Manaball, Manabolt,

    Orgy, Mass Sense (Sight) Removal, Slay Spirit.

    Metamagic: Ally Conjuration, Channelling, Centering (Dancing),Sympathetic Linking

    Gear: Medicine Lodge 9.

    Dark Lucia, Free Spirit, Former Ally

    Force 7

    Powers: Astral Form, Banishing Resistance, Realistic Form,Sapience, Sense Link, Fear, Magician,

    Elemental Attack (Air), Spirit Pact (Formula), Movement

    Metamagics: Shielding, Absorption

    Skills: Assensing, Astral Combat, Dodge, Perception, UnarmedCombat, Spell Casting, Exotic

    Weapon, Counterspelling.

    Spells: Levitate, Magic Fingers, Fling, Elemental (Blast) Aura,Interference, Blast Ball (Ball

    Lightning w/ Blast Elemental Effect Substituted), Death Touch,Blast, Poltergeist

    Possessed Lucia Statistics

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    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    9 12 12 8 7 3 3 5 7 7 7 15 2 12

    Movement: 10/25

    Immunity to Normal Weapons (14).

    All work copyright ofK. Nasser, 2007 except where stated.

    WizKids, Inc. has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork,marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video

    and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the gameShadowrun. WizKids, Inc. has granted

    permission to to use such names, logos, artwork,marks and/or any proprietary materials for

    promotional and informational purposes on its website but doesnot endorse, and is not affiliated with in any official capacity whatsoever.

  • 8/6/2019 Npc Roster


    NP C Rost er I VThe Bu gs

    This NPC collection details a complete group of Insect Spiritpossessed individuals. They have yet

    to invoke a queen spirit and so are not yet a hive. There ispotential however, and the group is

    moderately dangerous, though unlikely to pose a threat toexperienced Shadowrunners. They are

    probably of most interest as components of a larger run, or evenas two edged allies for teams that

    wish to take the chance.

    The Setu pIn Downtown, Seattle, there's a little club called TheVelvet Glove. It caters to those whose

    sexual tastes are a little less straight forward than most.Sure, you can get a SIM chip and live out

    your fantasies, but it's not the same as being in a club ofliving, breathing comrades who share your

    fetishes. Or at least have compatible ones of their own. Behindthe fairly nondescript yellow door, is

    a close set of rooms, bar and dance floor, where people candance, and play, their night away. It is

    presided over, as it has been for the last two years, by anelven woman known as The Poison

    Maiden. She pays her small tithe to the local Yakuza syndicateand even does a little business with

    them when one of the clients wants to have the experience ofbeing a bunraku slave. The Velvet

    Glove caters to all tastes, though it's mostly consensual(admittedly the lines get a little blurred sometimes) and itattracts people across the social strata.

    There's only one thing wrong. A few months ago, a recentlyawakened shaman, besotted

    with the Poison Maiden, decided she would be the perfect hostfor a slightly more than perfect

    spirit. Once again, the bugs were rearing their ugly heads.

    Louis Levitt, aka Gimp.Elf, Insect Shaman (Wasp)

    Image: A young, caucasian male elf, thin dark hair, a whitishpallor and intense, dark eyes. He has a

    way of staring that makes it seem as though he's not quitethere... and yet there is a certain presence

    about him, a hint of power that suggests to people he could bedangerous if provoked. Typically, he

    wears tight, black synthleathers around his lean, stick insectbody and heeled boots.

    Quote: Better to serve in paradise than to reign in Hell.

    Role Playing: Emotionally withdrawn, as if everything lacksintensity, much like a typical BTL

    addict needing another high. Yet quite intense at the same timeand highly intelligent. A little

    sociopathic too and somewhat alien in his thinking, liable tocome up with off the wall, highly

    lateral ideas.Goals: To do everything he can to preserve thesecrecy of his true calling and his insect spirits,

    whilst gathering the power to invoke Simone into a true Queenthat he can serve.

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    Background: Louis Levitt comes from a upper middle classcorporate family in Bellevue. He's had a

    good education and a financial start in life, but his parentshave more or less given up on him by this

    point. He has not talked to them or his younger sister inseveral months. He ran with small time

    thrill gangs growing up and maintains a few criminal contacts.His chief driving force in young

    adulthood was his sexual fetish for being dominated by powerfulwomen. Nothing really seemed to

    satisfy his need for complete submission of the self, until onenight, the whispering began. Now heis a fully fledged insectshaman, in willing thrall to an alien mistress. Daily, he becomesmore

    removed from his own humanity and his most desperate desire isto bring his mistress through to the

    real world. For now he slates his fantasies in mock servitude tothe Nymph spirit that he summoned,

    but in his heart he knows she is bound to him and not the otherway around. Soon though, he hopes

    to set her free of such restraint, so that she can rule himcompletely.

    Si mo ne De rringer, aka the Poi son Ma id en.Wasp Nymph Spirit,Flesh Form Elf

    Image: A beautiful elven woman, full figured, wasp waist, iceblonde with cold, grey iris eyes. She

    dresses in faux military gear form fitting black body armour andcarries a visible taser weapon

    on her belt. Two tiny silver datajack ports on her left templeare the only thing that mar her perfect


    Quote:You can be trained.

    Role playing: Ruthless, dominant, predatory. Also intelligentand socially adept. Sexuality is very

    much a part of her demeanor, but so is sadism.

    Background: Simone was a rich brat from an abusive family. Herteenage years were filled withBTL and drug fuelled rebellion.Testament to her strong will however, she pulled through andput

    herself back together again. She still had a strong streak ofrevenge driven sadism in her sexual

    make up, however, exulting in her power over others. Happily,UCAS in the 2070's provided a

    lucrative market for such tastes. Simone worked first privately,then branched out into running her

    own club, tailoring for more jaded tastes. Her clients rangedfrom the almost vanilla submissive

    business men to those who wanted to be made (temporarily) intobunraku slaves and experience full

    abuse. Life was going well for Simone until it ended.Regrettably she almost perfectly filled Louis

    Levitt's fantasies... but not quite. She fought against thetransformation into a wasp spirit host with

    everything she had, but the result was her emergence as a nearperfect flesh form. Now shecontinues to manage her small business,whilst the group bide their time, planning great things

    when Simone can finally grow to become a true queen.

    Bo sto n Jo hn.Wasp Soldier Spirit, Hybrid Troll

    Image: A true monster from a horror SIM, eight or nine feet ofmutated insect humanoid. The

    heavy, long armed frame of a troll, but chitinous plates ofarmour adorn its body, antennae project

    from its head and it's eyes are bulging, segmented things, likecompound eyes but gristly, with little

    tiny pupils. Stubby, useless wings buzz and whine furiously asit lumbers forwards.

    Quote: ...

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    Role Playing: Smash, kill, rend.

    Background:Boston John was one of the bouncers at The VelvetGlove before it became something

    more than a 2 bit fetish club. In fact, he worked a number ofclubs and bars around the area but has

    now vanished. The reality is that the attempted inhabitation ofhis body by a wasp spirit did not go

    as well as hoped and he's now unable to pass in public foranything other than what he is. Louis and

    Simone keep him hidden in the club most of the time and plan touse him as an emergencyrearguard if they need to make a fastretreat. He has (or had) two children and a wife (all trolls)who

    believe that he is now probably dead. The most accepted story isthat he had unsuspected debts with

    a syndicate and has made the ultimate repayment.

    Donna Levitt, aka Sting.Wasp Scout Spirit, True Form Human

    Image: It's a wasp. But it's a wasp that's over three long. Themagnification of its segmented bodyand compound eyes show theinsect hideousness of the thing in a way that couldn't be guessedat on

    a naturally sized creature. It's plated thorax swells andcollapses as it breathes and is tipped with a

    curving, injecting stinger. And it's fast.

    Quote:Buzz, buzz.

    Role Playing: Spy, seek, sneak. If there's a need to kill, dosome from a careful ambush.

    Background: Donna is, or was, Louis's illegitimate eight yearold daughter. She sometimes lived

    with him, sometimes with her ex ganger mother. Life wasn't greatin either case, choosing between

    one level above a squat or seeing the lifestyle of herdegenerate father. It would have been difficult

    for life to get much harder, but it managed it anyway. Donna wasLouis' first attempt to impregnatesomeone with a wasp spirit. Ifit's any consolation, Donna's transition was a peaceful one.The

    inhabitation was an outstanding success and she now exists as aloyal scout for the group.

    Sa lma n, ak a Ca nni ba lWasp Soldier Spirit, Flesh FormOrk

    Image:An athletic looking ork of Indian origin. He has a seriouslook to him, wearing simple

    clothing and no ornamentation. Even his head is clean shaven andlacking in stylistic preference. His

    sole distinguishing feature is his pronounced set of tusks,which are large even for an ork, and

    appear to have been sharpened with tools.

    Quote:Pay me enough and I'll do the job.

    Role Playing: Dispassionate in any circ*mstance but violence orits anticipation. Only then does his

    face light up in real emotion. Show as little empathy for commonhuman affection or need to

    socialise as possible.

    Background: Salman was an average ork ganger, pulling in a bitof legit security work on the side. A

    little bigger and stronger and more skilled than most, butnothing truly exceptional. That changed

    when he took a job working security for The Velvet Glovenightclub. The story he's told his old

    gang mates is that he has discovered his adept powers. It's agood cover story for his new found

    abilities. As far as his former friends are concerned, it alsoaccounts for his recent aloofness, as they

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    see him as thinking himself too good to associate with his oldgangers. Salman now brings in money

    for Louis working as a heavy hitter for local petty criminals.His ferocity and rumours that he eats

    people he kills have made him hot property. There is a risk thathe has gone too far, however. His

    inhumanity has severed a lot of useful ties to his formercommunity and those threatened by him

    now see their only hope to be striking back with lethalforce.

    Game S tati st icsLouis Levitt, aka Gimp.

    Elf, Magician (Shaman)

    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    2 3 3 1 4 3 4 4 3 2 6 6 1 9

    Movement: 10/25

    Skills: Arcana 2, Assensing 2, Con 3, Conjuring Skill Group 3,Counterspelling 3, Dodge 3,

    Etiquette (Street) 4, Leadership 2, Negotiation 3, Perception 3,Pistols 1, Spellcasting 3, Summoning

    3, Knowledge (Seattle Clubs and Bars) 3, Knowledge (SeattleGangs) 2.

    Language: English

    Spells: Alter Memory, Armour, Bugs, Heal, Invisibility, Manabolt, Powerbolt,

    Gear: Eurocar Westwind, Colt American Light Pistol, Erika Elitew/ Mangadyne Deva (Response 3,

    Signal 4, Firewall 2, System 3), Contacts w/ Image Link, ArmourClothing (4/0), Assorted cred

    sticks and such like.

    Simone Derringer, aka Poison Maiden.Wasp Nymph Spirit, FleshForm Elf, Force 5

    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    2 5 3 1 4 4 2 4 5 5 5 7 2 9

    Movement: 10/25

    Skills: Assensing 5, Astral Combat 5, Con 3, Dodge 5,Negotiation 3, Perception 5, Spellcasting 5,

    Knowledge (Seattle Business Community) 1, Knowledge (SeattleGangs) 2, Knowledge (Seattle

    Criminal Organisations) 2, Unarmed Combat 5.

    Language: English, Sperethiel.

    Powers: Animal Control (Wasp), Compulsion (Mating), EnhancedSenses (Smell, Thermographic),

    Hive Mind, Immunity to Normal Weapons, Realistic Form, AuraMasking, Innate Spell

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    (Invisibility), Sapience, Venom

    Weaknesses: Allergy (Insecticides, Severe).

    Gear: Datajack, Form Fitting Body Armour (5/1), FIchetti PainInducer, Erika Elite w/ Mangadyne

    Deva (Response 3, Signal 4, Firewall 2, System 3)

    Bo sto n Jo hn.Wasp Soldier Spirit, Hybrid Troll, Force 4

    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    12 7 7 13 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 11 2 12

    Movement: 15/35

    Skills: Assensing 4, Astral Combat 4, Counterspelling 4, Dodge4, Perception 4, Unarmed Combat4.

    Language: English

    Powers: Animal Control (Wasp), Fear,, Hive Mind, Immunity toNormal Weapons, Magical Guard,

    Natural Weapon (6P, 1AP), Sapience.

    Weaknesses: Allergy (Insecticides, Severe).

    Gear: Dermal Plating III (+3/+3), Troll natural armour(+1/+1).

    Donna LevittWasp Scout Spirit, Human True Form, Force 3


    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 2 9

    Movement: 10/45 (Flying)

    Skills: Assensing 3, Astral Combat 3, Dodge 3, Infiltration 3,Perception 3, Shadowing 3, Unarmed

    Combat 3.

    Powers: Animal Control (Wasp), Astral Form, Concealment,Confusion, Enhanced Senses (Smell,

    Thermographic Vision), Materialisation, Hive Mind, Sapience,Venom.

    Weaknesses: Allergy (Insecticides, Severe).

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    Sa lma n, ak a Ca nni ba l.Wasp Soldier Spirit, Flesh Form Ork,Force 3

    B A R S C I L W M E ESS Init IP CM

    7 4 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 2 9

    Movement: 10/25

    Skills: Assensing 3, Astral Combat 3, Automatics 2, Blades 2,Dodge 2, Perception 2, Pistols 3,

    Unarmed Combat 3.

    Language: English

    Powers: Animal Control (Wasp), Concealment, Fear, Hive Mind,Immunity to Normal Weapons,

    Magical Guard, Natural Weapon (6P, 1AP), Sapience, Venom.

    Weaknesses: Allergy (Insecticides, Severe).

    Gear: Armour Jacket, AK97 Carbine SMG, Colt America L36 Lt.Pistol, Metalink w. Vector Sim

    (Response 1, Signal 2, System 1, Firewall 1).

    Usag e Hi nt sThe group as written are low in power. Mostparticularly, the two main players are quite vulnerable

    to physical assault. However, this is true of most NPCs inShadowrun when players have sufficient

    time to plot and plan. The critical thing is to keep informationfrom the players so that they are

    unaware that these characters actually are ones that they maychoose to confront. Louis, and

    especially Simone, can be presented as contacts and informants.She has excellent reason to know

    things from a variety of clients and club frequenters. Likewise,Louis has some reasonable gang and

    petty organised crime contacts. The thing that is interesting isthat the group is on the cusp of being

    genuinely dangerous. Louis needs to initiate. Once he does so,his immediate aim will be to invoke

    Simone into her Queen form. At this point, she will becomeconsiderably more powerful, even as a

    flesh form, and will be able to start building a powerbase inearnest.

    All work copyright ofK. Nasser, 2007 except where stated.

    WizKids, Inc. has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork,marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video

    and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the gameShadowrun. WizKids, Inc. has granted

    permission to to use such names, logos, artwork,marks and/or any proprietary materials for

    promotional and informational purposes on its website but doesnot endorse, and is not affiliated with in any official capacity whatsoever.

  • 8/6/2019 Npc Roster


    NPC Roster VIThe Free

    This roster contains a list ofFree or Wild spirits. They rangein power from the mediocre(Slink) to the utterly deadly (Medusa),but should all be able to add a bit of colour to a game. They

    need not be treated as opponents though they can be.

    Slink, Wild Spirit.Image: Crouched in the shadows, a glitteringblue form, a spirit in the shape a slender girl or young

    elf. There's something aquatic about her, in the fluid way shemoves, the subtle ridges of bone that

    grow from her flesh like some strange fish creature and the softlooking spines that hang from her

    slender neck and arms. Mostly all you ever see are two greatlambent green eyes in the dark.


    Role Playing: Lurk in the shadows and the dark waters, besecret, be silent, watch, listen and

    occasionally play little tricks.

    Background: Slink dwells under the City, swimming through thesewers and sometimes the outlets

    in the harbour and the Puget Sound. She listens and she lurksand finds a lot of things that people

    think they've flushed away. She has never been known to appearon the surface, though it's possible

    that she has wriggled up people's waste pipes from time to timeas a water spirit, she is inhumanly

    flexible and can squeeze through incredibly small openings.

    Free Spirit (Wild), Force 3, Materialised.

    B S A R C I L W E ESS M Init IP CM

    5 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 2

    Movement: 10/25 (30/75 swimming)

    Powers: Astral Form, Banishing Resistance, Concealment,Confusion, Magician, Materialisation,

    Movement, Sapience, Search, Accident, Venom

    Skills: Assensing 4, Astral Combat 2, Counterspelling 2, Dodge(Whilst Swimming) 3, Etiquette 2,

    Exotic Weapon (Poisonous Spines) 2, Infiltration (Subterranean)4, Swimming (Underwater) 5,

    Navigation (Subterranean) 1, Perception 4, Shadowing(Subterranean) 3, Spellcasting 2.

    Languages: English 3, Japanese 3, Spanish 3, Cantonese 3, Korean3, Merrow 3, Sperethiel 3

    Spells: Oxygenate.

    Colha, Free Toxic Spirit of Man.Image: A thousand slim littlerazor blades, ten thousand, it's impossible to count. Theycoalesce

    from the air to take the rough shape of a human being withdistorted, elongated proportions a man -

    shaped cyclone of edges; the face is not a face, but a hollowmask of steel with nothing but gaping,serrated holes where the eyesand mouth would be. A scalpel fingered hand flicks toward you,the

    arm extending across space grotesquely to cut at your eyes.

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    Background: Whatever Colha once was, it is now nothing more thana spirit of murder and an

    embodiment of the alienation of modern urban life at itsdarkest. Flitting from city to city across the

    UCAS and CAS, Colha haunts the urban blights, sating himselfwith the murder of those he finds

    alone. But Colha needs more than that. To gain energy [karma],Colha must be granted it by a living

    being, typically through a ritual involving his formula, thougha spirit pact would be conceivable if a

    sufficiently depraved (meta )human could ever be found. Theritual of energy transfer [karma] is

    normally a two stage process. Firstly, Colha secretes a victimsomewhere he hopes the two of them

    wont be disturbed and begins a process of excruciatingly carefuldisection, ensuring that the victim

    is not killed. Medical technology is sometimes used for this. Atthe same time parts and fluids of the

    victim's body are used to decorate the room with the pattern ofColha's formula. At this point, it is

    highly unlikely that the victim will survive for much longer,but the agony is unimaginable. Colha

    demands the victim cede their energy to him for the simplefavour of ending their pain. A few hardy

    souls refuse him until the end, and as often, they slip awayinto unconciousness and death before

    anything can be done, despite everything the spirit can do tohold them there. But when Colha finds

    someone strong of body, will and soul, then he will do anythinghe can to retain them and feed from


    Colha is always careful to disturb the arcane arrangements oforgans and viscera when done, lest

    some magician see it and perceive the meaning behind theintricate configurations and bind him.

    Free Toxic Spirit of Man, Force 5, Materialised.

    B S A R C I L W E ESS M Init IP CM

    5 3 7 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 13 2

    Movement: 10/25.

    Powers: Astral Form, Banishing Resistance, Concealment,Elemental Attack (Metal), Elemental

    Aura (Metal), Enhanced Senses (Low-Light), Fear, Magician,Materialisation, Sapience, Search,


    Skills: Assensing 5, Astral Combat 5, Climbing 5,Counterspelling 5, Dodge 5, Exotic Weapon

    (Elemental Strike) 5, First Aid 5, Infiltration (Urban) 5,Knowledge (Torture) 5, Medicine (Surgery)

    5, Spellcasting 5, Perception 5, Shadowing 5, Unarmed Combat5.

    Spells: Hibernate, Magic Fingers, Oxygenate, Stabilise.

    Notes: The Elemental Aura (Metal) represents the unusualcomposition of the spirit, this power adds+6 DV to the spiritsunarmed strikes and changes the damage type to Physical (7P total),but gains

    +2 to half impact armour resistance. On any successful Meleeattack, the attacker must also resist 7P

    damage but gains +2 to half impact armour resistance.

    The Elemental Strike (Metal) represents the ability of thespirit to project parts of its body at

    opponents (like a Slinky, but less fun), and is treated as aranged attack using Agility + Exotic

    Weapon, inflicting a base 7P damage, but +2 to resist with halfimpact armour.

    Medusa, Free Earth Spirit.Image:(Flesh Form) A truly beautifulwoman and not merely the fashionable pouting beauty that

    can be purchased from a cosmetic surgeon, but a natural seemingface full of interest and a figure

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    full of grace. She moves like a goddess, possessed of the mostextraordinary charisma a

    confidence and majesty that takes the breath away.

    (Hybrid) It is the woman you once knew, but changed hideously.Lumps of stone grow from

    her flesh, whilst her eyes have become hard, grey orbs lackinglife of any sort. Even the hair seems

    to have pertrified somehow, thin brittle lines of stone,breaking off in pieces. One hand is entirely

    transformed into a heavy fingered, stone fist that flexes as iftrying to remember what it feels like to

    be flesh.

    (True) The astral or True form of Medusa is hideous. A creaturemade of living stone, with a

    distorted visage that might once have been truly beautiful butis now twisted like clay. Feather like

    patterns grace broken, calcified stubs as if the malformedcreature was once an ariel spirit. The air /

    astral space around it is almost palpable with emotions of lossand desparation and a terrible,

    blistering hatred.

    Quote:'Tell me I'm beautiful.'

    Background: Whether or not this spirit is the originalinspiration for the myths of ancient Greece,

    or if those myths actually explain in some way the origins ofthis spirit... that may never be known.

    But the parallels between this spirit and the myths are beyonddispute.

    Medusa seems to care for one thing beauty. But she can onlyacquire this by inhabiting the bodies

    of beautiful women. So powerful is the spirit however, that onlywith the most strong willed of

    individuals can she achieve what she desperately wants a perfectFlesh Form merge. Most of the

    time, some semblance of Medusa's true appearance breaks throughthe victim's original form,

    disfiguring and destroying her hopes, or worse, the vessel isdestroyed entirely and Medusa

    manifests as the fallen, mishapen creature that she so despises.In the former case, Medusa may

    pitifully try to salvage the remnants of the vessel's destroyedbeauty for a time, before seeking out a

    new vessel, and in the latter case will likely try to find someway to kill herself in despair more

    immediately. The 21 days it takes her to recover from disruptionand return from the metaplanes is

    one of her few weaknesses. As her true form is a creature ofstone itself, the partially petrified

    remains of her hybrid forms after her death can be greatlypuzzling.

    When Medusa does achieve a full, Flesh Form merge with a vessel,she enters a period of elation

    and satisfaction with herself. Even though her spirit nature isconcealed, her charisma and will are

    overpowering to those around her. In the past, she has been apowerful fashionista, a talented

    sculpteress, a media executive. The role varies, but what sheinevitably wants in some form or other,

    is to be the centre of influence, attention and to be adored andenvied by everyone. This, however, is

    something she is able to acquire with devastating speed.

    Plot Ideas: #1. A number of models and minor Trid and SIMactresses disappeared over the last

    year. Some, but not all, of the bodies were later found, each ofwhich was hideously disfigured to

    some degree, their bodies partially or wholly petrified intostone. Some of these bodies, naturally,

    remain preserved, their faces displaying expressions of terribleanguish. Now it's been over two

    months since the last disappearance but the husband of one ofthe victims suspects that a rapidly

    rising media executive and former model, a friend of his latewife, may have some involvement.

    With no one willing to investigate the popular executive, he hasto turn to Shadowrunners to help


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    #2. A local hermetic mage of considerable power has had a slowburning rivalry with a

    western dragon for some time now. His spies have recentlywitnessed the dragon meeting with the

    head of a fashion agency late at night, and he suspects thatthis woman is serving the dragon in

    some way. In fact, it is the other way around. Shadowrunners arehired to remove another of the

    dragon's allies and get in over their heads.

    #3. Karl Brackhaven has acquired a new endorsem*nt to hiscampaign. The mayorialcandidate's chances seem to be inexplicablyrising through the agency of a talented and very

    beautiful young sculptress who doubles as one of Seattle'snewest and most dazzling socialites.

    Free Earth Spirit, Force 9, Inhabited Vessel, Human FleshForm.

    B S A R C I L W E ESS M Init IP CM

    1 1 3 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 11 1 9

    Movement: 10/25

    Free Earth Spirit, Force 9, Inhabited Vessel, Human HybridForm.

    B S A R C I L W E ESS M Init IP CM

    10 10 12 11 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 20 2 13

    Movement: 10/25

    Free Earth Spirit, Force 9, Inhabited Vessel, True Form.

    B S A R C I L W E ESS M Init IP CM

    13 13 7 11 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 20 1 8

    Movement: 10/25

    Powers: Astral Form, Aura Masking*, Banishing Resistance,Binding, Fear, Guard, Inhabitation,

    Movement, Possession, Realistic Form*, Sapience, Search.

    * With Flesh Form only

    Skills: Artisan (Sculpture) 9, Assensing 9, Astral Combat 9, Con9, Counterspelling 9, Disguise 9,

    Dodge 9, Etiquette 9, Gymnastics 9, Intimidation 9, Leadership9, Negotiation 9, Perception 9,

    Spellcasting 9, Unarmed Combat 9,

    Languages: Greek, English, Hebrew, Arabic, Perisan, Mandarin,Cantonese, Ancient Egyptian,

    Japanese, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, Sumerian.

    Spells: Animate, Armour, Astral Armour, Control Emotions, DeathTouch, Decrease Reflexes,

    Detect Life (Extended), Earth Wall, Fashion, Fix, Healthy Glow,Increase Willpower, Influence,Knockout, Makeover, Mana Barrier,Mass Animate, Mob Mind, Mind Probe, org*sm, Petrify,


    All work copyright ofK. Nasser, 2008 except where stated.

    WizKids, Inc. has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork,marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video and/or any

    proprietary material used in connection with the game Shadowrun.WizKids, Inc. has granted permission to to

    use such names, logos, artwork, marks and/or any proprietarymaterials for promotional and informational purposes on its

    website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated in any official capacity whatsoever.

Npc Roster - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.