Lo Que Tratamos y Lo Que Estudiamos - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/14/2019 Lo Que Tratamos y Lo Que Estudiamos


    Heart Failure: Who We Treat Versus Who We Study

    Leslie W. Miller, MDWashington Hospital Center and GeorgetownUniversity, 110 Irving Street NW, 1E-7, Washington, DC 20010,USA

    The prevalence of patients with the diagnosis

    of heart failure (HF) continues to increase, with

    recent data suggesting that the current estimate

    in the United States should now be over 7 millionpatients. Thisestimate is based on the recent

    census confirming a current population of 300

    million people in the United States, and an

    estimated average prevalence of heart failure in

    2.5% of the population [14]. There are many

    sources of information about the patients with

    heart failure, including population surveys [5

    14] and data from patients identified and fol-

    lowed from the time of a hospitalization for

    HF [1517], as well as inpatient registries

    [18,19]. Many patients have been enrolled in

    pharmaceutical and devices trials in HF, butthe patientsenrolled are often not reflective of

    the patients being managed outside of these trials

    in terms of age, gender, race, and comorbidities.

    And yet, investigators have extrapolated the

    results of these trials to all patients with heart

    failure. This article is a comparison of the demo-

    graphics and outcomes of the patients with heart

    failure that are treated and those that have been



    There are many demographic factors that

    influence the prevalence of HF, but age is the

    most powerful influence. It is clear that heart

    failure is a disease of advancing age, being

    relatively uncommon in those below the age of

    50 years, but the disease increases progressively

    with each subsequent decade [14]. It affects as

    many as 10% to 15% of people over the age of

    65 years, and even higher in those over 75 years

    (Fig. 1). The average age of patients admitted to

    the hospital is 75 years [219]. Patients over

    65 years make up only 12% of the population,but account for 38%of hospital discharges and

    46% of hospital days [2]. The finding of prepon-

    derance of hospitalized patients being elderly is

    also reflected in data from the Centers for Disease

    Control [2], which showed almost no increase in

    the number of patients under the age of 64 years

    who were hospitalized with HF over the last

    25 years, while the number between 64 and 84

    years, and those over the age of 85 years, has

    nearly doubled (Fig. 2). The population over 65

    years is expected to double in the next 20 years

    from an estimated 32 million in the year 2000,to nearly 70million by the year 2025 [2,3]. Thus,

    heart failure will be a major health problem for

    the aging United States population for the next

    several decades.

    Race and gender

    The prevalence of heart failure varies consid-

    erably by race and gender [2026]. Data have

    shown that the overall prevalence is essentially

    equal between men and women, averaging ap-

    proximately 2.4% in males and 2.6% in females

    [14]. However, this percentage varies between

    2.5% and 3.1% in males, being highest in Afri-

    can American males, and between 1.6% and

    3.5% in females, with the lowest prevalence in

    Latino women and highest in African American

    women (Table 1). More men seem to have HF

    under the age of 55 years, but women are

    equally affected thereafter, and by living an aver-

    age of 7 years longer, women have an equal

    overall prevalence. The percentage of men whoare hospitalized isnearly equal, as shown inE-mail address:[emailprotected]

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    the large Acute Decompensated Heart Failure

    National Registry (ADHERE) database [19,20].

    The racial mix was predominantly Caucasian,

    but reflective of national race percentages and

    disease prevalence. The mortality also varies

    considerably by race and gender, with the high-

    est mortality of 3.5% in African American


    0.3 0.2















    20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 >80

    Age (Years)

    Males Females


    Total = 7 million





    Fig. 1. Impact of age and gender on the prevalence of heartfailure. (Data from Thom T, Haase N, Rosamond W, et al.

    Heart disease and stroke statisticsd2006 update: A report fromthe American Heart Association Statistics Committee

    and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee. Circulation.2006;113:e85-e151.)

    Fig. 2. Influence of age on the rate of hospitalization forheart failure. (From Centers for Disease Control. Heart failure

    fact sheet. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control andPrevention, 2006. Available at http://www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/


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    Etiology and type of heart failure

    It is clear that there are significant differences

    in both the etiology and type of heart failure by

    race, gender, and age. African Americans typically

    have hypertension as the major cause of their HF,

    while ischemic heart disease is the primary cause

    in Caucasians [14]. African Americans present

    typically at a younger age than Caucasians, with

    more advance heart failure at presentation, have

    a 3- to 7-fold higher incidence of hypertension

    as the cause of HF, and a 15- to 18-fold higher in-cidence ofend stage renal disease compared with


    Recently it has also become clear that a nearly

    equal percentage of patients with heart failure

    have preserved systolic function (formerly called

    diastolic heart failure) as have reduced systolic

    function, in both the United States [2732] and

    Europe [33,34]. The ADHERE database [19]

    showed that 46% of patients hospitalized had an

    ejection fraction (EF) greater than 40% by echo-

    cardiography. There are several differences in thedemographicsof those with preserved versus re-

    duced systolic function, as noted in Table 2. It is

    clear that the prevalence of heart failure with pre-

    served systolic function increases significantly with

    advancing age, and is much more common in

    women and those with a history of hypertension.

    The much higher prevalence of heart failure

    with preserved systolic function in women was

    demonstrated in a study by Vasan and colleagues

    [29] conducted from the Framingham database.

    These investigators performed an echocardiogram

    on a random sample of 74 patients being followedfor heartfailure by their criteria. The data showed

    that over 50% of men in the random sample had

    an EF greater than 41% and nearly 30% had an

    EF greater than 50%. In comparison, of the 33

    women in this study, 80% had an EF greater

    than 41%, and 75% had an EF greater than

    50%. In contrast, the incidence of coronary artery

    disease is lower in those with preserved EF, com-

    pared with those with reduced EF (52.9% versus

    63.7%). There are also differences in comorbid-

    ities between patients with preserved versus re-

    duced systolic function, including the incidence

    of atrial fibrillation, which is more common inthose withpreserved EF (41% versus 28%)



    Patients with HF often have a number of

    comorbidities. Several databases have shown

    that there is a very high prevalence of diabetes

    in patients with heart failure, averaging as much

    as 40% [3539]. While the majority of patients

    with diabetes will develop atherosclerosis and cor-onary arterydisease as the cause of their heart

    failure, patients with diabetes who do not have

    coronary artery disease may have an even higher

    mortality than those with coronary artery disease

    [7]. Hypertension is the primary cause of HF in

    the African American patients, but is also com-

    mon in other racial groups and significantly pre-

    disposes patients to the development of HF.

    Patients with ischemic etiology of their heart fail-

    ure often have hyperlipidemia, and an increasing

    percentage of HF patients are obese [14]. Recent

    data have suggested however, that there is a sur-prising paradoxof increased survival in obese

    patients with HF [40]. Renal dysfunction is

    Table 1

    Differing prevalence and incidence of heart failure by race andgender

    Population Prevalence New cases Mortality Hosp D/Cs

    Total 7 M 500,000 57,000 (287K) 1.1 M

    Males 2.4 M (2.6%) 22,300 (39%)

    Females 2.6 M (2.1%) 34,905 (61%)

    NHW males 2.5%

    NHW females 1.9%

    AA males 3.1%

    AA females 3.5%

    Latino males 2.7%

    Latino females 1.6%

    Abbreviations: AA, African American; D/Cs, discharges; M,million; NHW, nonwhite hispanic.

    Data from Heart Disease and Stroke Statisticsd2006 Update. AReport from the American Heart Association

    Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee.Circulation. 2006;113:e85151. Available at: http://circ.



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    becoming an increasing problem in patients with

    HF [4148] and is caused by multiple factors, in-

    cluding advancing age and the coexistence of in-

    trinsic renal disease secondary to hypertension

    or diabetes, as well as low perfusion and use of

    high doses of diuretics [48] and potentially neph-

    rotoxic drugs, such as angiotensin-convertingenzyme (ACE)inhibitors. The development of sig-

    nificant renal impairment has been shown to be

    a high risk factor for mortality, and has been con-

    firmed in studies of both outpatient and hospital-

    ized cohorts [42,47].


    The survival with heart failure over the last

    decade has been variably reported [49,50], but sev-

    eral reports suggest that the survival has unfortu-natelydeclined over the last 15 years. The

    Framingham database [6] suggested that the aver-

    age survival at 5 years, for all patients followed

    from the time of diagnosis of HF, was 50%. How-

    ever, Owan and colleagues [27], from the Mayo

    Clinic, followed a large number of patients from

    Olmstead County, Minnesota over a 15-year pe-

    riod. Their data demonstrated that there had

    been approximately an 8% overall improvement

    in survival in those with systolic heart failure be-

    tween 1987 and 2001, but in the most recent era

    survival was only 40% at 5 years. In contrast,there was noimprovement in 5-year survival in

    patients with preserved systolic function and

    symptomatic heart failure over this 15-year obser-

    vation period, and a similar 40% survival at

    5 years for those with preserved systolic function

    (Fig. 3), making it worse than most forms of can-

    cer [51,52]. More recently, in a study of 2,445 pa-

    tients with an average age of 76 years who werehospitalized inWorcester, Massachusetts for HF

    in the year 2000, and followed until 2005, showed

    that the all cause mortality at one year was 37%,

    and the survival at 5 years was only 21% [53]. The

    survival was lower in those whose first hospitaliza-

    tion for HF was the incident admission in the


    Who investigators study

    There are significant differences in the out-comes anddemographics of those treated versus

    those studied in clinical trials [5456]. This is a re-

    sult of many factors, including the desire to avoid

    enrolling patients with comorbidities, such as re-

    nal insufficiency and other conditions that might

    adversely influence the outcome of trials in-

    dependent of a treatment effect [57]. Therefore, in-

    vestigators base nearly all of their current

    recommendations for the treatment of patients

    with heart failure on clinical trials which have

    had a disproportionately small percentage of

    those with the highest prevalence of the disease.


    The body of evidence of results in HF trials is

    nicely summarized in recently published HF

    guidelines [58,59]. The survival of patients with

    HF in clinical studies is often much better than

    what has been reported in population studies de-

    scribed above. There is a uniform finding that sur-

    vival worsens with advancing stage of the disease,

    but there is a great deal of variability in the defini-

    tion of Stage C HF, as evidence by recently pub-

    lished trials which reported 1-year mortalities

    that range from 11% to 35% [6069], versus

    37% to 57% in population studies. There is

    more uniformity of the data in those with the

    most advanced or refractory HF Stage D who

    have an extremely high mortality, which may be

    as high as 80% at 1 year [70,71].


    Although it has been shown that the preva-

    lence of HF rises significantly over the age of 60years, only afew studies have examined patients

    above this age. Heiat and Krumholz [55]

    Table 2

    Clinical demographics of patients with heart failure and

    either preserved or reduced ejection fraction





    EF P value

    Age 71.7 74.4 !0.001

    Male sex (%) 65.4 44.3 0.17

    BMI 28.6 29.7 0.002

    Obesity 35.5 41.4 0.007



    1.6 1.0 1.6 1.1 NS

    Hypertension 48.0 62.7 !0.001

    CAD 63.7 52.9 !0.001

    Diabetes 34.3 33.1 0.61

    A Fib 28.5 41.3 !0.001

    Abbreviations: A fib, atrial fibrillation; BMI, body

    mass index; CAD, coronary artery disease.

    Data from Owan TE, Hodge DO, Herges RM, et al.Trends inprevalence and outcome of heart failure with

    preserved ejection fraction. N Engl J Medicine


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    examined the mean age of patients involved in

    heart failure studies and found that it averaged

    59 years in the late 1980s, but rose to an average

    of 64 years in the late 1990s, largely because of

    a few studies specifically targeting older patients,

    such as the two evaluation of Losartan in the el-

    derly trials [63], and the Heart Outcomes Preven-

    tion Evaluation [64]. The latter enrolled over10,000 patientswith an average age of 72 years.

    Subsequent trials, such as Candesartan in Heart

    Failure Assessment of Reduction in Mortality

    and Morbidity [65], had an average age of 66

    years, but the very recent African American Heart

    Failure (AHFT) trial [60] had an average age of

    only 58 years. The ability of older patients to tol-

    erate multiple drug regimens, and the doses used

    in these trials, is typically much less [72,73].

    More studies are needed in the older populationto verify thebenefit and tolerability of HF medi-

    cations reported in younger patients.

    Fig. 3. Survival in patients with heart failure with eitherreduced (A) or preserved (B) systolic dysfunction over a15-year

    period. Reproduced from Owan TE, Hodge DO, Herges RM, et al.Trends in prevalence and outcome of heart failure

    with preserved ejection fraction. N Engl J Medicine2006;355(3):2519; with permission.


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    Similar disparities exist by race, in particular

    lower percentages of African Americans and

    Latinos compared with Caucasians included in

    clinical trials [55]. Data show that until the last 2to 3 years,there has been a disproportionately low

    percentage of nonwhites in heart failure trials,

    from a low of 13% in the late 1990s, to 27% in

    more recent studies, and the AHFT trial [60] con-

    ducted solely in African Americans. There have

    been very few Latino patients enrolled in any

    heart failure trials to date.

    Does the lack of a broad representation of all

    subgroups with HF in most of the seminal trials

    upon which we have based our recommendations

    for therapy have any impact? The answer is, yes.

    Based on our understanding of the pathogenesisof heart failure,in particular the importance of

    the neurohormonal system, we have assumed that

    observations made in trials in which there were on

    average only 10% to 15% African Americans

    would hold in that population as well. However,

    this assumption has been shown to be quite

    erroneous, as shown in the meta-analysis by

    Shekelle and colleagues [74]. The reviews of the

    original studies of left ventricular dysfunction

    (SOLVD) prevention trial [75] for example dem-

    onstrated that there was a very substantial differ-ence in thedevelopment of heart failure in African

    Americans compared with Caucasians [76,77]. At

    4 years of follow-up, 50% of the African Ameri-

    cans had developed symptomatic heart failure ver-

    sus only 25% of the Caucasians (Fig. 4).

    Reanalysis of the data by race in the SOLVD

    treatment study [76] found no measurable differ-ence in allcause or cardiovascular mortality by

    race, but there was a highly significant reduction

    in hospitalization for heart failure in Caucasians

    versus African Americans (0.54% versus 0.95%,

    P .005%). When death or hospitalization for

    heart failure were combined, there was also a sig-

    nificantly lower benefit, 9% in African Americans

    versus 25% in the Caucasian population (P


    When beta-blocker trials were examined, Shek-

    elle and colleagues [74] found that Caucasianshave alwaysbenefited in the series of beta-blocker

    trials, including the beta-blocker evaluation of

    survival trial (BEST) [66], the Carvedilol prospec-

    tive randomized cumulative survival trial [61], the

    Metoprolol CR/XL randomized intervention trail

    [65], and the United States Carvedilol trial [62],

    but African Americans represented less than

    15% of those enrolled. When the benefit of Biso-

    prolol was examined retrospectively in the BEST

    trial [66], which had 27% African Americans,

    there was in fact an adverse affect of the beta

    blocker in the African Americans, compared

    Fig. 4. Differing likelihood of development of heart failure byrace in the SOLVD prevention trial of ACE inhibitors

    versus placebo in asymptomatic patients with reduced systolicfunction. Reproduced from Dries DL, Strong MH, Cooper

    RS, et al. Efficacy of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitionin reducing progression from asymptomatic left ventric-

    ular dysfunction to symptomatic heart failure in black and whitepatients. J Am Coll Cardiol 2002;40(2):3117; with


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    with the Caucasians in the study, that nearly

    reached statistical significance. When these four

    trials were compared, there was no net benefit of

    beta-blockers in African Americans compared

    with the average 31% reduction in mortality in

    Caucasians.The trial that had perhaps the greatest impact

    of race on outcome was the original vasodilator

    heart failure (VHFT-1) trial [78], which was con-

    ducted in Veterans Administration Hospitals

    with largely Caucasian males of an average age

    of 62 years. This trial was the first to show a sur-

    vival advantage of the combination of hydralazine

    and nitrates, compared with prazosin or placebo

    (Fig. 5). When the data from that landmark study

    was examined retrospectively, it showed an insig-

    nificant difference in mortality in the Caucasianpatients whor*ceived hydralazine throughout

    the 5-year follow-up, compared with a 47% rela-

    tive risk reduction in African Americans (P

    .04) [55]. This observation led to the AHFT trail

    [60] conducted exclusively among African Ameri-

    cans, which examined the benefit of adding hy-

    dralazine and nitrates versus placebo to the

    standard background combination of an ACE in-

    hibitor, digoxin, and diuretics. The study was

    stopped prematurely because of a 43% relative

    risk reduction at 600 days in favor of the hydral-

    azine-nitrate combination (Fig. 6). The findingshave led toresearch which has demonstated a re-

    duction in the production of nitric oxide in Afri-

    can Americans, who therefore, not surprisingly,

    benefited from the use of the antioxidant and

    nitrate donor drug combination [78]. There are

    likely polymorphisms of multiple genes which

    are important in patients with heart failure, which

    provide some scientific basis for the disparities



    Another very substantial disparity has been the

    incredibly low percentage of women who have

    participated in cardiovascular trials of any type.

    Despite the equal prevalence of HF in women

    compared with men, the percentage of women

    who have been enrolled in HF trials since 1985 has

    averaged only 22% [55]. Many of the early trials

    of heart failure, particularly the VHFT trials,

    upon which a great deal of our understanding ofthe pathogenesisof heart failure are based, in

    fact contained almost no women. The percentage

    of women in the SOLVD trial [75] that confirmed

    the benefit of ACE inhibitors varied from 11% in

    the prevention arm to 20% in the treatment arm.

    The highest percentage of women in an HF study

    was the 40% enrolled in the recent AHFT trial


    Much as we have presumed that all races

    would respond uniformly to all heart failure

    therapies, this concept has been shown to also

    be erroneous by gender. A retrospective review ofover 7,000patients enrolled in the international

    digoxin trial demonstrated that women had

    a worse outcome, with a 30% higher death from

    any cause in women (P .014), a 28% higher

    Fig. 5. Differing benefit of the combination of hydralazine andfixed dose nitrates on survival by race in the VHFT-1

    trial. (From Carson P, Ziesche S, Johnson G, et al. Racialdifferences in response to therapy for heart failure: Analysis

    of the vasodilator-heart failure trials. J Card Fail1999;5:17887.)


  • 8/14/2019 Lo Que Tratamos y Lo Que Estudiamos


    incidence of cardiovascular death (P .035), and

    a 38% higher likelihood of developing worsening

    heart failure (P .026) when compared with

    men at the same age [79]. The hospitalizations

    because of heart failure were also 21% higher

    (P .01) in women, demonstrating a higher over-

    all risk in women versus men who received di-

    goxin therapy.

    Shelleke and colleagues [74] analyzed the out-come of varioustreatment trials for HF and com-

    pared the outcomes between women versus men.

    The results were not uniform. The study showed

    that there was a 10% relative worse outcome for

    women versus men in all of the ACE inhibitor tri-

    als (Fig. 7). The mean risk reduction was 18%

    in males versus 8% in females, while the difference

    in four recent beta-blocker trials showed only

    a 3% net relative difference, with a 34% relative

    risk reduction in men versus a 37% in women.

    Not all drugs have shown an adverse outcome

    in women. Although there was an overall highlysignificantreduction in the relative risk of death

    with the hydralzine-nitrate therapy in the AHFT

    trials compared with placebo, there was a signifi-

    cantly greater benefit in females than males (57%

    versus 39%) [80].


    One of the other major differences in patients

    enrolled in clinical trials, as opposed to those

    treated outside of clinical trials, is the prevalenceofcomorbidities, such as previous stroke, diabe-

    tes, hypertension, and particularly renal dysfunc-

    tion. Patients with these conditions are often

    excluded from the trials, whereas they represent

    a substantial percentage of the patients treated by

    a physician. Heiat and colleagues [55] examined

    the prevalence of contraindications to enrollment

    in heart failure trials over the past 15 years

    (Fig. 8), and demonstrated that renal insufficiency

    (creatinine greater than 1.6) was listed as a contra-

    indication to enrollment in as many as 30% of the

    trials between 1995 and 1999. Physicians andpharmaceuticalcompanies interested in conduct-

    ing prospective trials evaluating a new drug or

    Days Since Baseline Visit

    Fixed-dose I/H 518

    Placebo 532













    0 100 200 300 400 500 600







    Fixed-dose I/H


    Hazard ratio=0.57

    Fig. 6. Survival benefit on survival with the addition ofhydralizine and fixed-dose nitrates over standard medical ther-

    apy in African Americans with heart failure in the AHFT trial.Reproduced from Taylor AL, Ziesche S, Yancy C, et al.

    Combination of Isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine in blackswith heart failure. N Engl J Med 2004;351(20):204957;

    with permission.

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    Fig. 8. Prevalence of common comorbidities in heart failuretrials that have been contraindications to enrollment in clin-

    ical heart failure trials over time. From Heiat A, Gross CP,Krumholz HM. Representation of the elderly, women, and

    minorities in heart failure clinical trials. Arch Intern Med2002;162;16828; with permission.

    SOLVD (Prev)



    SOLVD (Tx)



    Relative Risk

    0.4 0.82 1.1 1.9



    SOLVD (Tx)




    Relative Risk

    0.4 0.92 1 1.9



    SOLVD (Prev)

    Fig. 7. Differing effect of ACE inhibitors by gender in clinicalheart failure trials. Abbreviations: CONSENSUS, coop-

    erative North Scandinavian enalapril survival study; SAVE,survival and ventricular enlargement; SMILE, survivors of

    myocardial infarction long-term evaluation; TRACE, trandolaprilcardiac evaluation. Reproduced from Shekelle PG,

    Rich MW, Morton SC, et al. Efficacy of angiotensin-convertingenzyme inhibitors and beta-blockers in the management

    of left ventricular systolic dysfunction according to race,gender, and diabetic status: a meta-analysis of major clinical

    trials. J Am College Cardiol 2003;41:152938; withpermission.


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    intervention are somewhat understandably reluc-

    tant to include patients with comorbidities, which

    may influence outcome and lead to erroneous con-

    clusions about the potential benefit of that



    There is a significant disparity between those

    treated and those studied with HF, including

    a significant lack of clinical trial data in some of

    the populations with the highest prevalence of the

    disease: females, African Americans, and Latinos,

    as well as those with preserved systolic function

    and those with common comorbidities. While

    retrospective reviews and sub group analysis

    may also be somewhat misleading, the results of

    many major trials upon which much of todays

    current therapy for HF are based may have shown

    different conclusions if balanced populations by

    race, gender, or potentially several comorbidities

    were included. Therefore, it seems that investiga-

    tors cannot extrapolate all of the findings of

    clinical trials to patients in the general population.

    The important role of polymorphisms in gene

    expression and pharmacogenomics will also be

    important to a physicians approach to drug

    selection for individual patients in the future.Future trials ofHF therapy will need to include

    a more representative sample from those more

    reflective of the expanding population with HF.


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