Benefits of Starting an IRA for Your Child (2024)

Some young people open individual retirement accounts (IRAs) as soon as they start getting a regular paycheck. But actually, they would have benefitted greatly from starting much younger. Children are in the best position to take full advantage of the power of time and compounding offered by a tax-advantaged savings plan.

Your child, regardless of age, can contribute to an IRA provided they have earned income, defined by the IRS as "all the taxable income and wages from working either as an employee or from running or owning a business."

Below, we'll take a look at two types of IRAs for children, the benefits these tax-advantaged investment vehicles offer, and how to open and make contributions to an IRA for kids.

Key Takeaways

  • While both traditional and Roth IRAs are options, the Roth variety particularly benefits those who expect to be in a higher tax bracket later in life.
  • Children can contribute to an IRA provided they have earned income.
  • A child's IRA must be set up as a custodial account managed by a parent or other adult.

Types of IRAs for Kids

There are two types of IRA, and either is suitable for children:

  • With a traditional IRA, the money that is not taxed when it is paid in. The taxes are paid as the money is withdrawn, normally after the accountholder retires. Both the contributions and the earnings they accrue are taxable as income.
  • With a Roth IRA, the income taxes owed are paid in the year the money is paid into the account. The funds—both the contributions and the earnings—are considered after-tax money.

Either way, the money grows tax-free as long as it's left in the account. The benefit of a Roth account to a child is that the account will grow for decades before it is needed. Even then, there are no required minimum distributions (RMDs) on Roth money.

Of course, the rules may change in the next 40 or 50 years, but that's where they are now.

Even if you claim your child as a dependent, the child may be required to file an income tax return if their gross income exceeds a certain amount set by the IRS. If your child earns less than this amount, they are likely to be in the 0% income tax bracket and won't benefit from the up-front tax deduction associated with traditional IRAs.

Advantages of Roth IRAs for Kids

Because most kids don't earn enough money to benefit from the up-front tax deduction associated with a traditional IRA, it makes sense to focus on Roth IRAs.

In general, the Roth IRA is the IRA of choice for minors who have limited income now. By the same logic, it's often recommended for adults who expect to be in a higher tax bracket in the future.

"If a child keeps [a Roth] until age 59½(under today's rules), any withdrawal will be tax-free. In retirement, they would likely be in a much higher bracket, sowould effectively be keeping more of their money," says Allan Katz, president of the Comprehensive Wealth Management Group in Staten Island, New York.

Even if a child wanted to use the funds earlier than that, the account would be advantageous. Roth IRAs are tailor-made for people whose tax bracket is likely to be higher when they need to take the money out, as opposed to when they're putting it in.

How to Open an IRA for a Child

You may see brokers trumpeting "Roth IRAs for Kids," but there's nothing special in the way a child's IRA works, at least as far as the IRS is concerned.

The opening amount to invest may be less than the usual minimum on these accounts. Otherwise, the main difference IRAs for minors are custodial or guardian accounts.

Banks, brokers, and investment companies all offer IRAs to their customers, and all are legally required to to make them custodial or guardian accounts if the accountholder is a minor. That means under age 18 in most states but others set it at 19 or 21.

As the custodian, you control the assets in the IRA, making all investment decisions until your child reaches majority age and takes charge of the account.

The IRA is opened in your child’s name and Social Security number.

Not all financial institutions do custodial IRAs. Firms that currently open accounts for minors include the following:

  • Charles Schwab
  • E*Trade
  • Fidelity
  • TD Ameritrade

Investopedia has a list of the bestbrokers for IRAs.

How to Fund a Child's IRA

Children of any age can contribute to an IRA as long as they have earned income, whether it's from lifeguarding or a fledgling business of their own.

For 2023, the maximum your child can contribute to an IRA (either traditional or Roth) is the lesser of $6,500 or their taxable earnings for the year. This amount jumps to $7,000 in 2024.

This means that a child who earns $3,000 this year could contribute up to $3,000 to an IRA. A child who earns $10,000 in 2024 could contribute $7,000, the maximum. A child who has no earnings cannot contribute at all.

Your Child Must Earn Income

The IRS dictates not only how much money you can deposit in a Roth IRA but also the type of money that you can deposit. Basically, you can contribute only income you earn to a Roth IRA. This means that your child must have earned income during the year for which a contribution is made.

Ideally, your child will receive a W-2 or Form 1099 for work performed. But of course, that usually doesn't happen with endeavors like babysitting, yard work, dog-walking, and other common jobs for kids. So it is a good idea to keep receipts or records. These should include the following:

  • The type of work
  • When the work was done
  • For whom the work was done
  • How much the child was paid

Income that Counts and Doesn't Count

So what income is acceptable and what isn't? The money can’t be an allowance (even if the child does chores for it) or a cash gift given directly to the child. Still, although allowances are not allowed, you may be able to pay your child for work done around the house, provided it is legitimate work and the pay is at the going market rate. (You can’t pay $1,000 for a night of babysitting, for example.)

It helps if the child does similar work for outsiders—doesn't just mow the family's lawn, for example, but the lawns of others in the neighborhood. Or, if you have your own business, you can pay your child to do age-appropriate tasks for reasonable wages.

General Rules for IRA Income

There are some types of income that are not eligible for IRA contributions by people of any age. The list includes:

  • Rental income or other profits from property maintenance
  • Interest income
  • Pension or annuity income
  • Stock dividends and capital gains
  • Passive income earned from a partnership in which you do not provide substantial services

For individuals working for an employer, eligible compensation to fund a Roth IRA includes wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, and other amounts paid to the individual for the services that they perform.

Basically, it's any amount shown in Box 1 of the individual’sForm W-2.

For a self-employed individual or a partner or member of a pass-through business, compensation is the individual’s net earnings from their business, less any deduction allowed for contributions made to retirement plans on the individual’s behalf and further reduced by 50% of the individual’s self-employment taxes.

Money related to divorce, such as alimony, child support, or in a settlement, can also be contributed if it is related to taxable alimony received from a divorce settlement executed prior to Dec. 31, 2018.

Can Others Contribute to a Child's Roth IRA?

Yes. Direct contributions to a child’s Roth IRA can be a gift from you or someone else. And they truly are gifts that keep on giving. Since Roth IRAs can be invested in almost any sort of asset, they are likely to perform much better than a good old savings bond or bank account.

Many parents choose to match their child’s earnings and make the IRA contribution themselves. For example, if your child earns $3,000 at a summer job, you can let them spend their money as they wish and make the $3,000 IRA contribution with your own money. You might also offer to contribute a percentage of what your child earns, such as 50%. (Your child earns $3,000 and you contribute $1,500.)

Remember to consider gift tax rules. The contributions you make to a Roth IRA for your kid will count against the limit on tax-free gifts you can make to one person, which is $17,000 for 2023 and $18,000 for 2024.

Whatever approach you decide to take, the IRS doesn’t care who makes the contribution as long as it does not exceed your child’s earned income for the year. If Sam made $2,000 from their lemonade stand one summer, $2,000 is all you or Sam can invest in the IRA. Since the contribution is made to your child’s IRA, your child—not you—receives any tax deduction.

Benefits of IRAs for Kids

Along with the obvious motivations of building a nest egg, IRAs offer other benefits for kids, both in the present and in the future.

Financial Literacy

Opening an IRA for your child provides them not only a head start on saving for retirement, but also valuable financial lessons. Even a small IRA can be an introduction to investing and a platform to teach your child about money and the relationship between earning, saving, and spending. It can also teach them the lesson of compounding, which works best if it has the longest amount of time to work.

For example, a single $1,000 IRA contribution made at age 10, for example, could grow to $11,467 over 50 years, assuming a conservative 5% average annual growth rate. Contribute $50 each month, and the account could grow to $137,076 (with the initial $1,000 contribution and the same hypothetical growth rate of 5%). Or you can double the contribution to $100 each month, and the account could reach $262,685.

Tangible Uses

IRAs are designed for retirement spending but a child may be able to tap into the account well before then for important expenses—particularly if it is a Roth account.

Roth accounts allow withdrawals of contributions (not the accrued profits), provided the account is at least five years old.

Regular IRAs have tougher rules but they also allow penalty-free withdrawals in special circ*mstances. Such needs could include the following:

  • Education Expenses: The account holder can withdraw money for college, but will owe taxes on the earnings that are withdrawn. However, there is no 10% early withdrawal penalty if the money is used for qualified education expenses, such as tuition, fees, books, supplies, equipment, and most room and board charges.
  • Buying a House: The account holder can withdraw funds to buy a first home at any age. The money must be used as a down payment or for closing costs. The withdrawal is limited to $10,000. Early withdrawals for a home purchase are penalty-free and tax-free.
  • For Emergencies: The owner of a Roth IRA can withdraw money in an emergency. But the withdrawal will be subject to taxes on the earnings, plus a 10% early withdrawal fee.

Still, it's worth stressing that this is supposed to be a retirement fund. "We suggest keeping these funds intact if at all possible rather than removing them for a first home purchase, for example," says Elyse Foster, certified financial planner and principal of Harbor Wealth Management in Boulder, Colorado.

Can I Open an IRA Account for My Child?

Yes. Many banks, brokerages, and other financial institutions offer IRAs to their customers, but not all offer IRAs for children. The difference is that a child's IRA is a custodial account managed by a parent until the child reaches adulthood.

Any child, regardless of age, can contribute to an IRA provided they have earned income, defined by the IRS as "all the taxable income and wages from working either as an employee or from running or owning a business."

The rules are flexible enough to count income from babysitting and lawn mowing, but if there's no W-2 involved, keep records of this kind of work

How Much Can I Put in My Child’s IRA?

IRA maximum contributions are the same for all ages. There's an annual limit of $6,500 per child, per year for 2023. This increases to $7,000 in 2024.

How Does a Custodial IRA Work?

A custodial IRA is an individual retirement account that a custodian (typically a parent) manages for a minor. The assets are controlled by the custodian until the child reaches adulthood. The age is 18 in most states.

The Bottom Line

Young people have a tremendous advantage when it comes to investing—namely, time. "At their young age, compounding kicks into high gear due to the long-time horizon," says chartered financial analyst Dan Stewart, president and CIO of Revere Asset Management in Dallas.

Stewart tends to favor Roth IRAs, since "usually they will be in a low or even zero tax bracket." Even relatively small IRA contributions can grow significantly over time, he notes. If you make a single, one-time $6,500 contribution to a child’s Roth IRA when they are 15, for example, that can grow to more than $191,471 of tax-free money by the time they hit 65, assuming a 7% annual return. If they waited until they were 35 to make that first contribution, they would need to invest about $25,153 to reach the same amount.

In addition to the cold hard cash growing in an IRA account, your child will have the added benefit of developing healthy financial habits: Many financial experts and educators believe that the earlier children begin learning about money, the better their chances for financial stability in the future.

Benefits of Starting an IRA for Your Child (2024)


Benefits of Starting an IRA for Your Child? ›

Opening an IRA for your child provides them not only a head start on saving for retirement, but also valuable financial lessons. Even a small IRA can be an introduction to investing and a platform to teach your child about money and the relationship between earning, saving, and spending.

Should you open an IRA for your child? ›

Opening an IRA for your child provides them not only a head start on saving for retirement, but also valuable financial lessons. Even a small IRA can be an introduction to investing and a platform to teach your child about money and the relationship between earning, saving, and spending.

What is the best age to open an IRA? ›

Prime Working Years (35 to 60)

This is when people typically start thinking about opening an IRA and with good reason. You're in your prime earning years, so you likely have the money to tackle this goal. At this stage of your life, it's generally a good idea to start saving as much as possible for retirement.

Can you gift money to a child from an IRA without paying taxes? ›

After withdrawing the funds, if you decide to gift them to your children, consider the following: Annual Gift Tax Exclusion: For 2023, you can gift up to $16,000 per recipient without incurring any gift tax or needing to report the gift. This amount is periodically adjusted for inflation.

How much can a parent contribute to a child's IRA? ›

Custodial Roth IRA rules

If a child is 17 or younger and earns income that they pay tax on, they are eligible for an IRA for kids. Just like Roth IRAs for adults, the contribution limit for a Roth IRA for kids in 2024 is $7,000 or the total annual earned income, whichever is less.

How much will a Roth IRA grow in 20 years? ›

If you contribute 5,000 dollars per year to a Roth IRA and earn an average annual return of 10 percent, your account balance will be worth a figure in the region of 250,000 dollars after 20 years.

Is 40 too late to start an IRA? ›

There is no age limit to open a Roth IRA, but there are income and contribution limits that investors should be aware of before funding one.

Can you open a Roth IRA for a child with no income? ›

Custodial Roth IRA rules

Even babies can contribute to a Roth IRA: The hurdle to opening this account is about earned income, not age. The child must have earned income.

Is it worth opening an IRA at age 60? ›

"Once you're 59½ or older and have held the account for five years, you can withdraw contributions and earnings from a Roth totally tax-free," Hayden said. "Plus, such accounts aren't subject to RMDs, giving you more flexibility in your retirement cashflow and potentially limiting your overall tax liability."

Do children pay taxes on IRA inheritance? ›

An inherited IRA may be taxable, depending on the type. If you inherit a Roth IRA, you're free of taxes. But with a traditional IRA, any amount you withdraw is subject to ordinary income taxes.

What is the best way to gift money to family members? ›

7 ways to give money as a gift
  1. Gift card.
  2. Cash.
  3. Check or money order.
  4. CDs or savings account transfer.
  5. Stocks.
  6. 529 contribution.
  7. Charitable contribution.
  8. Tips for giving money as a gift.
Apr 29, 2024

What is the best investment gift for a child? ›

Financial Gifts for Kids & Babies
  • Shares of Stock. ...
  • Custodial Account. ...
  • Certificate of Deposit. ...
  • Savings Bonds. ...
  • Donation to a Charitable Organization. ...
  • Prepaid Debit Cards. ...
  • IRA Contribution. ...
  • Personal Finance Books. Sometimes, the best financial gift is a gift of education.
Feb 13, 2024

Should I open an IRA for my child? ›

A custodial Roth IRA for Kids can be opened and receive contributions for a minor with earned income for the year. Roth IRAs provide the opportunity for tax-free growth. The earlier your kids get started saving, the greater the opportunity to build a sizeable nest egg.

At what age can you start an IRA? ›

There is no minimum or maximum age for opening or contributing to an IRA, you just have to have taxable income. Parents and guardians may open IRAs for their children to use in the future and may contribute to those accounts up to the child's earned income.

How do I save money for my child? ›

Here are six ways to save for your child:
  1. High-yield savings or money market account.
  2. Certificate of deposit.
  3. UTMA or UGMA account.
  4. 529 plan.
  5. Trust.
  6. ABLE account.
Apr 16, 2024

Should I use my IRA to pay for child's college? ›

You can use your IRA to pay for college tuition even before you reach retirement age. In fact, your retirement savings can be used to pay for a wide range of education expenses for you, your spouse, children, or grandchildren without IRS penalties if you follow the specific rules.

What are the disadvantages of a custodial IRA? ›

A Custodial Roth IRA presents a unique opportunity to foster early financial growth and education for minors. However, it's crucial to weigh these advantages against potential drawbacks, including loss of control, contribution limits, financial aid implications, and tax penalties.

Can I open a Roth IRA for my 20 year old son? ›

There is no age requirement to open a Roth IRA. To contribute, you must have earned income in the year you wish to contribute. That means even people under 18 who've earned money—perhaps from a summer job or after-school gig—can start saving for retirement.

Should an 18 year old open an IRA? ›

Although most teens don't think about retirement, it's important to help them get started early and make saving a habit. Setting up a Roth IRA for teenagers can provide them with a comfortable financial future with relatively little effort. Anyone with earned income can contribute to a Roth IRA regardless of their age.

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