12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (2024)

12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (1)

Tens of millions of people have filed for unemployment since the coronavirus reached American shores, leading financial experts to draw comparisons between the “Great Lockdown” and the worst economic disaster in modern history: the Great Depression.

Beginning with a stock market crash in October 1929, the Great Depression dragged on for almost a decade, upending the lives of Americans from virtually every walk of life.

Close to a quarter of the U.S. population was jobless, and even essential workers like doctors saw their income drop by up to 40%. Some people scraped by on just pennies a day.

Though the Great Depression occurred nearly a century ago, many of the hard lessons learned in the Dirty '30s can be applied to the current financial crisis. Click to see some of the most relevant tips today.

1. Save for emergencies

12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (2)

Coming on the heels of the Roaring '20s, a period of widespread prosperity following World War I, the Great Depression sent a shockwave through the country that most Americans were completely unprepared for.

People who didn’t have enough savings stashed away ended up broke, unemployed and saddled with debt.

One of the most important lessons to take away from the Depression is that anything can happen, and it’s always a good idea to plan ahead.

As the unemployment rate keeps rising, you may be worried that you’ve missed your chance. But it’s not too late to set up an emergency fund. The sooner you start putting money into a high-yield savings account, the more you’ll have available when you need it most.

2. Do it yourself

12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (3)

During the Great Depression, DIY became the guiding principle. If you wanted something but couldn’t afford to buy it, the next best option was to make it yourself.

People made everything from clothes to cleaning supplies at home. They even whipped up toys like corn husk dolls to keep the kids busy.

If you’re looking to save a bit of money during the pandemic — or just avoid going to the store — you can find a ton of free tutorials online that will show you how to make all sorts of useful household products. Don’t try to make your own disinfectant, though.

3. Take steps to avoid debt

12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (4)

One of the reasons poverty was so widespread during the Great Depression was that, during the Roaring '20s, many Americans took out installment loans and lines of credit with retailers.

So when the stock market crashed and the layoffs began, these borrowers found themselves faced with a mountain of debt and no way to pay it off.

These days debt is still a major problem. People have been eager to defer their credit card payments during the pandemic, but unless their interest is on hold, too, they’re only digging themselves in deeper.

To avoid repeating the mistakes of the Great Depression, try your best to clear your debt as soon as possible. You may want the help of a debt consolidation loan to save on interest, lower your monthly payments and get out of debt faster.

4. Eat at home

12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (5)

For the majority of Americans in the 1930s, dining out was — pardon the pun — off the table. Practically every meal was cooked from scratch at home, and the recipes of the day were creative to say the least.

Classic Depression-era dishes included vinegar pie, dandelion salad and something called Hoover Stew, which incorporated macaroni, hot dogs and anything else lying around that seemed somewhat edible.

While you might not be quite that desperate, making your meals at home and actually using up the food you’ve got in your pantry remains a sensible way to save money — especially since you can earn cash back on your groceries by snapping a photo of your receipt.

5. Don’t be afraid to relocate

12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (6)

If the economic fallout of the Great Depression wasn’t bad enough, farming in the Southern Plains states during the 1930s was ground to a halt by a series of droughts and dust storms.

As a result, the area known as the Dust Bowl saw the largest migration in U.S. history, with more than 2 million residents pulling up stakes and moving to wherever they could find work.

With unemployment today nearing 15%, many Americans have begun to broaden their job search and consider relocating.

Thankfully, finding employment in a new place no longer involves hopping a freight train and riding the rails from town to town. The best online job boards use artificial intelligence to track down relevant posts from all over the country. Then you can apply for multiple positions with just a few clicks.

6. Protect your family with life insurance

Being a parent can be stressful at the best of times, but the Great Depression was a new low. Not only was it hard to provide adequate food and shelter, but if something happened to you, your children could be left out in the cold without a dollar to their name.

One of the saving graces for families during the Depression was life insurance, which provided liquidity during a time when even the banks couldn’t. Cash value policies helped many families stay afloat and avoid financial ruin.

To this day, buying a life insurance policy is critical to ensure that your family will be protected after you’re gone. And thanks to convenient online services, finding a policy that fits your family’s needs is easier than booking a hotel.

7. Live within your means

12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (8)

Many Americans saw the economic growth of the Roaring '20s as an excuse to live outside of their means.

People purchased big-ticket items they couldn’t really afford on installment — meaning they’d make a small down payment upfront, then make monthly payments with interest moving forward. It was like getting a mortgage for everything.

Needless to say, that did not end up being a smart move.

In order to keep your head above water during the pandemic, you’ll need to avoid making the same mistake. Keep a budget of your monthly expenses and try your best to only make necessary purchases — with money you have — for the time being.

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8. Refinance your mortgage

12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (9)

When the Great Depression hit, homeowners suddenly found themselves unable to make their mortgage payments.

To prevent foreclosures, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Homeowners Refinancing Act of 1933, allowing Americans to alter the terms of their loans so they could keep their homes.

Refinancing is still a valuable tool to trim down the cost of your mortgage. It could help you save thousands of dollars a year on your monthly payments.

Currently, mortgage rates are the lowest they’ve ever been, so regardless of how the pandemic has affected your finances, you should consider refinancing.

It’s easy to compare rates online, and even if your current mortgage is only a year old, you may be able to save a bundle.

9. Odd jobs are better than no job

12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (10)

As the Great Depression wore on, people took work anywhere they could get it. That includes individual tasks, like chopping wood or shovelling snow, paid upon completion.

These days, one-off jobs are typically known as side gigs, and they’re no longer limited to manual labor. Slick online marketplaces is a great example — will allow you to advertise all sorts of services, from copy editing to art to voiceover work.

You can also make some quick cash by signing up for a rewards program that asks you to complete simple tasks like watching videos and filling out surveys. It may not earn you as much as a full-time job, but just like back in the 1930s, every little bit helps.

10. Spare change adds up

12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (11)

One of the best known songs of the Depression era was “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?” — and for good reason. Back then, a dime or two could mean the difference between eating or going hungry on any given day.

And while a dime doesn’t carry the same clout that it did in the Dirty '30s, it can still make a difference if you save up enough of them.

Most of us have coins and bills collecting dust in drawers and coat pockets, and if you’re stuck at home during the pandemic, you might as well see how much you can find.

But if you really want to see the power of spare change in action, try using a micro-investing app. They’ll round your day-to-day purchases up to the nearest dollar and invest the difference. You’ll be surprised by how quickly those dimes turn into dollars.

11. If you want to retire, start saving now

12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (12)

For most people during the Great Depression, there was no such thing as retirement. More than 63% of men ages 65 to 74 were still in the labor force in 1930.

When the market crashed, people found themselves without savings to fall back on. The only way to afford the bare essentials like food and shelter was to work until they were physically unable to do so.

If you’d like to avoid working well into your 70s, it’s a good idea to start saving for your retirement as soon as possible. Social Security doesn’t go that far, even today.

Not sure how to start? Try talking to a certified financial planner, who will help you map out a plan based on your current situation, whatever it may be.

12. Help your community

12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (13)

Times were tough for everyone during the Depression, and the fact that most people were going through similar hardships helped create a stronger sense of community.

Americans rallied together and supported their neighbors — whether it was a bit of food, some spare clothes or a dry place to sleep. Those who had more gave to those who had less whenever possible.

And while social distancing measures during the pandemic demand a different approach to helping out your community, there are still plenty of ways you can lend a hand to those in need.

Make an effort to support local businesses and donate to local charities and food banks if you have the means to do so.

12 money lessons from the Great Depression that are relevant in the COVID era (2024)


What are some lessons learned from the Great Depression? ›

Coming out of the Great Depression, many people, for many years, were intentional about avoiding debt. Another practical lesson we can learn from the Great Depression that may be applied to the current economic crisis is the importance of having a budget.

How did the Great Depression affect money? ›

Reduced prices and reduced output resulted in lower incomes in wages, rents, dividends, and profits throughout the economy. Factories were shut down, farms and homes were lost to foreclosure, mills and mines were abandoned, and people went hungry.

How is the Great Depression relevant today? ›

From time to time, shocks will hit the economy and will cause output and employment to fluctuate. However, the Great Depression has taught us that sound economic policies will help ensure that ordinary fluctuations in output and employ- ment do not grow into major economic catastrophes.

How were families able to save money during the Great Depression? ›

Farm Families and the Great Depression

Chickens supplied both meat and eggs, while dairy cows produced milk and cream. Many women had sewing skills and began producing much of their family's clothing. Wherever they could, families cut down on expenses.

What really caused the Great Depression Lesson 3? ›

Remember that bank panics were the main reason that explained why the money stock fell during the Great Depression. The failure of the Bank of the United States, the failure of other banks and the suspension of operations by nearly 7,000 banks created bank panics.

What are 3 important details about the Great Depression? ›

In the United States, where the Depression was generally worst, industrial production between 1929 and 1933 fell by nearly 47 percent, gross domestic product (GDP) declined by 30 percent, and unemployment reached more than 20 percent.

Who didn't lose money during the Great Depression? ›

Not everyone, however, lost money during the worst economic downturn in American history. Business titans such as William Boeing and Walter Chrysler actually grew their fortunes during the Great Depression.

How did money become worthless during the Great Depression? ›

The Great Depression was truly a deflationary collapse, as the Fed shrank the money supply. The Fed's actions also caused thousands of banks to fail, thereby wiping out still more dollars. (Here is another point about the failed banks of the 1930s. Most were state banks that had not joined the Federal Reserve System.

How much money was lost in the Great Depression? ›

The stock market crash significantly reduced consumer spending and business investment. Consequently, U.S. GDP decreased dramatically in the first years of the Great Depression, dropping from $104.6 billion in 1929 to $57.2 billion in 1933.

Who got rich during the Great Depression? ›

But some investors built their wealth during this era. Jesse Lauriston Livermore was one of those people. He wasn't afraid to short stocks and leaned on technical analysis for his investing decisions. Jesse's returns from the Great Depression earned him the nickname The Great Bear Of Wall Street.

Did the Great Depression teach society any valuable lessons? ›

A number of big lessons emerged from the Great Depression, even if they have generally been studiously ignored by subsequent generations. One of the biggest was that we should never leave the financial sector to its own devices. Poorly regulated banks helped trigger the 1929 stockmarket crash by lending to speculators.

How did the wealthy maintain their wealth during the Great Depression? ›

Those wealthy whose wealth was all in the stock market or was highly leveraged, lost everything. However, not every wealthy person had all their assets in the stock market or leveraged with debt. Many wealthy people owned land and buildings, all debt free. Many had lots of cash.

Were kids sold in the Great Depression? ›

Many people bought and sold these children, not as family, but to work almost like slaves with horrible living conditions and treatment.

How did poor people survive during the Great Depression? ›

Religious organizations remained on the front lines, offering food and shelter. In larger cities, breadlines and soup lines became a common sight. At one count in 1932, there were as many as eighty-two breadlines in New York City. Despite these efforts, however, people were destitute and ultimately starving.

What industry did not suffer during the Great Depression? ›

Answer and Explanation: Despite the widespread impact of the Great Depression in America, two industries did not suffer. These industries included entertainment and alcohol.

How did the Great Depression change American society? ›

As stocks continued to fall during the early 1930s, businesses failed, and unemployment rose dramatically. By 1932, one of every four workers was unemployed. Banks failed and life savings were lost, leaving many Americans destitute. With no job and no savings, thousands of Americans lost their homes.

What do you learn about the Great Depression for kids? ›

The Great Depression was the longest and most serious economic crisis in modern history. It began in the United States in 1929 but spread quickly throughout the world, lasting for about 10 years. The Depression caused sharp declines in economic production and severe unemployment in almost every country.

What you understand was the cause of the Great Depression provide a brief summary? ›

What were the major causes of the Great Depression? Among the suggested causes of the Great Depression are: the stock market crash of 1929; the collapse of world trade due to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff; government policies; bank failures and panics; and the collapse of the money supply.

How did the Great Depression affect the world? ›

World unemployment peaked at nearly 30% in 1932 and remained in double digits through the decade. German and US production dropped to 53% of their 1929 levels. One nation after another abandoned the gold standard in the 1930s.

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